Chapter Five

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"No freaking way! This is unbelievable, not that I can confirm or deny since I've never met him. Did you guys know what you're parents were?"

Everyone around the table nodded their heads.

"Sorry Abby we thought you knew, come on let's get to class"

Only then did Abby notice that there were only stragglers' left in the canteen.

With a sigh she retrieved her backpack and slung it over her shoulder.

"It's ok, how were you supposed to know?"

Abby reluctantly followed everyone out the door and headed for the main building. It was silent as she tried to digest what she had learnt. Her dad was a vampire, she just couldn't believe it. She never thought things like this could be possible. She wondered who he was, would she ever be able to find out and did she even want to meet him.

Abby was so lost in her thoughts she barely noticed that they were the last to arrive. Jacob, Aiden and Cali had already departed for their class. Following Leah into class she sat down beside her.

"You alright hunny?"

"Yeah, I guess it's just a lot to take in"

"Good Morning Everyone"

Abby looked to the front to see the teacher, she had a stern look about her dress sense, but a kind hearted face. Her hair was in a tight chignon.

"I see we have a new student, well I'm Mrs. Stamford and welcome to Origins' class. Here we learn about how different species are made so to speak. Would you like to introduce yourself?"

Abby groaned but stood up, this was one thing she hated about starting a new school. All heads turned to face her.

"Hi I'm Abby I'm sixteen years old and I know nothing about vampires, witches or elementals"

Sitting down she looked across at Leah who give her a big grin.

"That's why we're all here dear" said the teacher.

"Now why don't we start with Vampires, who can tell me how they came about?"

Hands shot up in the air, show offs thought Abby.

"Yes Mr. Donavan" she said pointing to a nerdy looking boy in the front.

"Well no one is sure when the first actual vampire was made or weather their still alive. The story was that the first ever vampire was a man, he was deeply in love with his soon to be wife, tragedy struck and she was taken from him. She was kidnapped and killed by a group of men, who were actually demons. The man was so distraught he prayed to the gods to be able to revenge her death. The gods did not answer but the devil did. He promised the man his revenge for his soul. He would become immortal and must help the devil to create others like him."

"Excellent Mr Donavan, who can tell me the rest, yes Mrs. Swindle"

"He agreed to the devils terms, when he woke he was a vampire. He took revenge on those that took his loves life. He did what the devil asked and began turning others. After a few centuries he realised the devil had tricked him that those he had killed in revenge were actually Demons and he had only sent them back to hell and after 1000 years they would be able to return to earth. He turned his back on the devil and disappeared"

"And thus through his actions the vampire race was born" finished the teacher.

The bell rung then and everyone began packing up there things.

"Tomorrow we will be going over how vampire children came about, I would like you all to do some research on that please"

"Homework on the first day that sucks" said Abby following Leah out the door.

Abby (book 1)Watty Award FinalistWhere stories live. Discover now