Chapter Eleven

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Abby woke to frantic whispers, feeling a bit disorientated she lay still with her eyes closed. What had happened? OH yeah she was attacked by some random boys,only Abby didn't think they were random, she had a feeling they were after her for some reason.

Feeling a bit uncomfortable Abby realized she was lying on someone's couch. She could hear two people arguing softly, they weren't in the same room, but close by. She suddenly realized she could hear them perfectly and she knew who they were.

"It's to dangerous" said Jarrod

"I realize you have got close to Abby, Jarrod you and I both know she is special, she has advanced far more quickly than any other Damphyr I know and that includes you "

Mr. Carter, Abby thought in surprise. Why would they be discussing her? Jarrod was only a student, surely this went beyond teacher-student ethics.

"She's only sixteen sir, it's too soon, she hasn't even been rated yet, give her a bit more time please.We'll find out what this is about"

Abby felt panic rise in her chest, what did he mean it was too soon, what was going to happen to her? Hadn't Zane told her Jarrod wasn't who she thought he was, she was so confused. She really liked Jarrod but he was defiantly holding out on her.

"I know how old she is Jarrod I......."

There was silence then Abby heard someone turn a door nob. Soft footsteps treaded towards her. She could smell Jarrod as he knelt down beside her, placing his big warm hand on the side of her face.

"Abby" he whispered "It's OK, you can open your eye's now, your'e safe"

Abby reluctantly opened her eyes to look at him. She saw immediate relief in his face, his eyes were filled with concern. Despite her doubts about him she couldn't help but feel the connection between them, however he wasn't getting off that easily.

"Where were you Jarrod?" she asked

"I'm sorry Abby, the car wouldn't start, then Zane came along and we argued. If I had of known anything was going to happen to you.." he sighed and she could see the anger in his eyes " You know I never would have left you,right?"

Abby nodded her head, she was still angry at him,now was not the time to discuss it though. Mr Carter was hovering in the background, he cleared his throat. Jarrod stood up and blushed at his display of affection for her.

"Abby, how are you feeling, can you tell us what happened?"

Abby sighed and sat up slowly, reaching up she tenderly touched the back of her head. Surprisingly enough it didn't hurt, she couldn't even feel a lump. They really  were quick healers after all !

"I'm fine Mr Carter, don't worry, a little bit embarrassed that's all"

They both looked at her expectantly waiting for her to carry on.

"Well I was waiting for Jarrod to come back when Zane turned up, we had a few words and he left" Jarrod's eye's grew stormy at that "I had this weird feeling I was being watched so I headed for the car, before I could get there someone grabbed me."

"Did you recognise them" Jarrod interrupted.

Looking directly at him she shook her head.

"They were beautiful, their skin was cold and perfect, their eyes were red. The one who grabbed me said that I was the one, that's when I kicked him in the shin and flipped him. The rest of them laughed at me, like they knew something I didn't, then he ran at me and that's when I slipped in the rain, banged my head. Then Zane came and you know the rest."

Abby (book 1)Watty Award FinalistWhere stories live. Discover now