Chapter Thirty Eight

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The Creator lovingly ran his hands down Shantee's face. His time was coming now, he could feel it. The news that they had reached Magda's camp was of no consequence to him, she could only tell them what he already knew, that victory would be his.

" You have done well my child, both you and Razzor shall be adequately rewarded. We must prepare for our journey, it is time for us to rise"

Shantee nodded with glee "Thank you, my Lord"

The Creator took Shantee's hand, raising her from her position on the floor. "Time is of the essence, we depart immediately" The Creator could not contain the excitement and greed in his eyes. He would be feared by all, and the world would be his.

Abby gave up, sleep eluded her, an urgent need to see Magda rose within her. Her thoughts were jumbled, if the only way to stop The Creator was her death then she would do it willingly. Abby knew there was no way she could take her own life, but if this was the route she chose to take then she had to be sure.

Slipping out of the tent Abby headed straight for Magda's, to Abby's surprise Magda was waiting for her, despite the late hour.

" I'm ready" Abby announced.

" That you are, come in "

Magda led the way back into the tent, back to the same seats they had vacated earlier. Abby was nervous, but she knew without a doubt her life for so many others was a sacrifice she was willing to make. Abby had been living on borrowed time, her life should have ended with her mothers, but now she could be at peace.

Taking a calming breath Abby looked directly at Magda.

"Have you told any one else?" Abby asked.

Magda shook her head "Figured it out have you? No, no one can know if it is to work"

"So, how do I die?"

Magda sighed. "It is not something to be taken lightly"

Abby knew that, it was her life they were talking about after all. The thought of no longer seeing her friends or family made her want to scream, but knowing Abby could save lives meant more to her.

"I promise you Magda I know this isn't a game. If I have to give everything, that includes my life, and I would gladly do so if it means the safety of the others."

"I know child. You are brave and strong, truly I did not think you would be able to go through with it, you are selfless and I admire that"

"You have seen this in a vision right?"

"I have"

"Then why did you doubt me? I thought all of your visions came true"

"I have been around for longer than I care Abby. People embellish story's to their liking. Yes I have visions, but sometimes I can have two or three visions about the same event."

"Did you have more than one with me?"

"Yes, but I doubt you would like what you hear"

Abby's heart was pounding, could she handle knowing what would happen if she made the wrong choice, she had to know. It would make her decision easier.

"Magda, I need to know everything, it's time"

Magda scrutinized Abby for a moment, as if assuring herself she was doing the right thing.

"Selena will hate me for this"

Abby let out a breath, the last thing Abby would dream of doing was hurting Selena, but Abby knew how strong Selena was and Julius would need her strength.

"I'm sorry about that, but you made your bed with Selena, I can't change that"

Magda nodded "Good, my visions only go so far, I only know the out come of your choice not what that choice would lead to, do you understand"

Abby nodded.

"Very well, if you do not die The Creator will hunt you down and kill your friends one by one until only you stand.  I can not say what happens beyond that."

Abby's eyes were wide. Abby found a new respect for Magda, the Seer must see horrific events, and to play them over again would be maddening.

"And if I die?" Abby whispered.

""Then your friends survive, for now"

"For now, that's the best you can do. So I could die and they could get killed anyway"

"Everyone dies eventually, including your father"

In such a short time Abby had grown accustomed to the fact her life needed to end, but knowing that it might not save her friends made everything worse. Abby groaned with frustration.

"Okay, so say I die, what about Him, The Creator"

"It is a means to an end Abby, for The Creator to be defeated you have to die first"

Abby felt like they were going round in circles, this was not making sense.

"Are you saying if I die he would lose his powers, what about Zane? He could just use him, by getting rid of me were just giving him another option."

"Not if The Creator is the one to take your life"

"What!" Abby had a terrible feeling in the pit of her stomach, was The Creator to become the victor.

"This is the way it has to be Abby, you must go to him. He will drain you and he will become powerful again"

"Are you serious? Magda what your saying doesn't make sense. You want to give The Creator his power back, and then what, no one will be able to defeat him. The world and everyone in it will be destroyed"

"I know how it sounds, I'm not stupid. To end him he must first regain his powers, this I have for seen. A power unknown to any of us will rise to defeat him. By giving your life you are taking away his."

Abby stiffened her spine, she could do this for those she loved.

"Okay so what do I do, just walk out waving a whit flag"

Magda cackled. "No, you must go alone in to the woods, he will find you"

Abby shuddered at the thought of facing this alone. Abby had felt the evil and it scared her, it was deep and dark and fathomless.

"How do I do this without any one knowing?"

"This is the hard part"

"There's hard part, thank god for that"

Magda smiled at Abby, she truly liked the spirit of the girl.

"You must go before everyone wakes, which means you don't have much time"

Abby knew what Magda was really saying. If she was going to do this it had to be now, there would be no goodbyes, it would only make it harder.

"I understand, how do I get through the wards"

"I will lower them for you"

Abby nodded, this was it, if her friends were to have a fighting chance this was the way it had to be. Gathering her courage Abby stood.

"Thank you Magda. I know your not fond of Julius but could you tell him I forgive him"

Magda nodded. "Don't lose heart Abby, you have made the right choice, and because of that all will be well"

"I hope so"

"Safe journey Abby."

Abby nodded once more before heading out. It was in the early hours of the morning and fog was in the air. Abby walked quietly past each tent saying a silent goodbye. It was all she could do, holding back her sobs she made her way to the edge of the forest, to the end of her life.

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