Chapter Nine

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 Sorry for the late update my computer has been playing up lol anyways don't forget comment and vote thanks x x

Abby woke the next morning feeling better than she had the past month. Who would have thought her life would turn out like this, it all felt like a dream to her. It was funny, she had been here one day and already she felt more at home then she did anywhere else.

With a stretch and a yawn she looked across at Leah who was sleeping soundly. Quietly padding across the floor Abby grabbed some clothes and headed into the bathroom.

With a sigh of relief she stepped into the shower, the warm water was soothing. Waking up early meant that she didn't have to rush, so she took her time and washed her hair twice. Wrapping one of the large soft towels around her she stood before the mirror.

She decided to make a bit of an effort today; she towel dried her hair and put some moose in, taking large hand full's and scrunching. She had always loved her hair, it was long, down to the middle of her back with loose natural curls. Since the change it always seemed that much shinier, more healthier looking.

Brushing her teeth, she quickly threw on her clothes, a pair of black leggings, white t-shirt and a green cardigan that matched her eyes. Abby wasn't one for much make up, so she just threw on some mascara and lip gloss.

Opening the door she peeked round and saw Leah was still sleeping, she was snoring softly. Abby walked to her bed and picked up both of her pillows. Throwing the first one she aimed it straight at Leah's face. With a quiet thunk it hit her perfectly. Abby watched with astonishment as Leah just brushed the pillow to the floor and resumed sleeping.

"Oh no you don't, it's payback time"

Stalking quietly over to the bed she positioned the pillow in front of Leah, with her other hand she reached for the radio on the bedside table. With a flick of her hand music blared into the room. Leah jumped up screaming and smacked her face straight into the pillow. Abby laughed as she watched her friend flailing about and then promptly fell off the bed.

"What the hell?" she screeched

"Guess you're not a morning person huh?" laughed Abby

Leah looked up and reached across to turn the music off.

"No I'm not" she grumbled, then a slow smile crept up her face.

"That was your payback for yesterday wasn't it?" she laughed "Abby, i think were going to get along just fine"

"Sorry, i couldn't resist, best get ready or well be late for breakfast"

Leah nodded and headed for the bathroom, leaving her mess where it was.

While Leah got ready Abby decided to try blocking her thoughts off. Sitting on the edge of her bed she closed her eyes an concentrated. Taking deep breaths in and out she began imagining a large wall that surrounded her thoughts. She built it up slowly making it into a circular prison. She imagined a door at the front with a lock and a key. Only she could use the lock to open her mind to others.

By the time Leah emerged,Abby wasn't sure if it had worked, only time would tell. Leah came out wearing a pair of denim jeans and a cute pink baby doll top.

"You look good today Abby, you aren't trying to impress anyone are you" she said with a smirk.

"Of course not, I just got up early that's all. Can i ask you something Leah?"

"Sure Hun fire away"

"How come your the only one who didn't mention hearing my thoughts yesterday, Jarrod said my mind was like an open book"

Abby (book 1)Watty Award FinalistWhere stories live. Discover now