Chapter Seven

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This chapter is dedicated to BloodyxScarletx12 who voted for all my previous chapters, thanks for your support x x x

Abby kept glancing at Jarrod’s profile as they walked across to the main building. She tried not to think about how hot he was in case she projected her thoughts. Damn too late, Jarrod turned to her and raised those perfect eyebrows.

“Err so what was with that Zane guy, I could tell there was no love lost between you too”

“There’s not, he’s a Damphyr like us. He’s also power hungry, I guess he doesn’t like us much since Jacob and I rate higher than him”


“Yeah, each student gets rated. Those with more powers, strength and skills are of a higher number. You won’t be rated yet. The principle does the rating himself, you have to just wait and see what kind of powers you develop.”

“Cool, so what number are you and who’s the highest?”

Jarrod looked uncomfortable “Well it’s basically from one to ten, ten being the highest. Me and Jacob are both eights and we are the highest”

“So I guess you’re really powerful then huh, I’m impressed”

Jarrod gave her a heart stopping smile.

“So this is the principal’s office, I guess I’ll see you soon”

Abby had been so engrossed in their conversation she hadn’t even noticed that they had arrived; she hoped she would be able to find her way back.

“I hope so Jarrod; it was nice talking to you.” Abby blushed once again, she was never this forward with a guy. Jarrod grinned and walked off. Turning back to the big double doors Abby knocked.

“Come in”

Abby pushed the doors open and stepped in. Mr Carter sat behind a big mahogany desk. His room was unbelievably neat and clean. There were shelves across both sides of the room, the left side contained books, of which some looked really old. The right side was adorned with cases; it was filled with different artefacts. Abby was dying to get a closer look, she bet her bottom dollar they had something to do with the super natural.

“Ah Abby, please sit. Your looking well I hope you feel well now”

Abby moved across to the chair opposite and sat down. She felt a bit guilty about her silent treatment on the drive here.

“Sorry about that Mr Carter, it was just so overwhelming. My roommate is really nice and I enjoyed my first three classes “

“Not what you expected eh” he said with a grin

Abby laughed “Well if you had told me four weeks ago that I would be at school with witches and elemental’s I would have said you’re crazy. It’s a lot to take in but so far I’m having fun”

“Good, good. I knew you would adjust quickly, I could sense it. Now I gather you have realized one of your parents was a supernatural being.”

Abby nodded her head.

“My friends told me my dad was a vampire; I’m still unsure what I am though”

“A Damphyr my dear is a child born from a vampire and human alliance. It is actually the only way vampires can reproduce. Unfortunately the only way to actually begin your transition into a damphyr is through a blood transfusion, hence the reason you were turned after your accident. You see your fathers genes lie dormant in your body until they are activated by blood which is not your own.”

“Oh, so does this mean I get to have special powers, do you know what I rate”

Mr Carter laughed.” All in good time my dear”

“Your powers depend on your father”

“But I’ve never met him. Mom never talked about him, she would only say that she loved him very much, and I don’t even know his name”

“I know there is also a ranking system amongst the vampires, the higher there ranking the more powerful you will be.”

“Ok but how will I know”

“Now is not the time for you to uncover your heritage my dear, however I do think a little one on one would help you greatly to discover what talents you may have”

This was beginning to sound like extra homework.

“I would like it if you spent time with Jarrod; he’s one of the best, if you would prefer I could get one of the teachers to help you, I just though you would be more relaxed if it was with a student.”

“Oh no, no a student’s fine thank you. I appreciate any help I can get”

Ok this defiantly didn’t sound like homework, this was perfect.

“Alright I shall have it arranged immediately. You’ve had a lot to take in today why don’t you go back to your dorm now and resume classes in the morning; I have already informed your teachers.”


Abby left with a huge smile on her face and a bounce in her step, she couldn’t imagine anyone else she would rather have help her than Jarrod.

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