Chapter Twelve

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This chapter is dedicated to my newest fan Neelam10061997.Please comment, vote or fan. All feedback is appreciated let me know if you like it or hate it thanks x x x

Abby's eyes flew open with a snap. She had been reliving her ordeal from yesterday, Zane's warning about Jarrod were ringing in her ears.With a sigh she turned over and came face to face with Dobbin. This time keeping her fright in she smiled at him.

The little man smiled back at her and whispered quietly "Your friend awaits"

Just as she was about to ask who he disappeared. Still it looked like the tokens had done there job, it had taken a week but at least he had spoke to her, hopefully would begin to trust her more.

Looking at her clock she could see it was only half eight in the morning. Holding her groan in so she didn't wake the girls, she made her way to the bathroom. After tying her hair up in a bun she quickly brushed her teeth.

Abby didn't want to chance waking the others so she just grabbed Leah's hoody off the chair and threw it on. Picking up her trainers she sneaked out the door.

Once she was outside the room she put on her shoes and looked around, it was so quiet, no wonder since it was Saturday, everybody else was having a lie in.

With a sigh she headed downstairs and out the front. It was a little bit nippy at this time of the morning, her chills soon disappeared when she noticed a figure standing patiently.

Dressed in black jeans and a grey hoody, his hair slightly blowing in the breeze, he made her heart race without even looking at her.

"Jarrod" she called

Swiftly turning he was in front of her within seconds.

Smiling up at him she couldn't deny the instant heat between them.

"What bring's you here so early. I thought all boys didn't get up till after noon." she laughed.

Beaming down at her he laughed.

"I'm not most boy's and I wanted to make sure you were okay before your meeting with Mr. Carter."

"That's very sweet of you, but I'm fine honest" she said kissing his cheek.

"Will you sit with me for a little bit or are you to cold?"

"Not any more I'm not"

Taking his hand they moved to the grass in front of her building and sat down. Abby let out a little squeal at the dampness of the grass. Laughing Jarrod grabbed her and placed her on his legs.

"Better" he smiled

"Yes, thanks"

"So did you sleep okay?" he asked

"Let's not talk about that, let's talk about that tattoo I saw on your back yesterday, it's beautiful, does it mean anything?"

Jarrod looked at her with serious eyes.

" So you did look huh? It's our family crest, Jacob has the same one"

"Wow your parents let you get a tattoo at seventeen, my mom would have went nuts" she laughed.

"Don't forget Abby were not like humans we have a different set of rules and it's not like we had a choice anyway."

"What do you mean you didn't have a choice, did they force you?"

Jarrod sighed "Look Abby there's still so much for you to learn, about yourself, about our world. You seem to forget youv'e only been changed one week, normally the transition takes a long time for someone who hasn't been brought up knowing what they are."

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