Chapter Thirty Five

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Razor and Shantee quickly picked up the trail, this was what the were good at, no this was what they were best at. They both however excelled at torture, that was where their real talents lay. Razor was baying for blood, it was hard for him to rein his malicious thoughts.

They tracked their pray to a cabin, they knew immediately that they had moved on. They circled the house until they came across the right track's leading away, further up into the forest. These forest were known to go forever, Razor knew they had a destination in mind, it was their job to find out what it was.

It wasn't long before they picked up their trail again, they moved silently and quickly through the woods, gaining on the group. Razor could smell them, he could practically taste them. He had cursed The Creator for not giving them free rein, dark images floated through his mind. There was a lot he could do with this group.

Razor was angry, Julius was with the group. They went way back, It had been Razor's job to track him down when Julius had turned his back on his brethren. It had been his one failure and it irked him to no end, he had high hopes once The Creator got what we wanted he would be allowed to take his revenge.

Razor held his hand up, Shantee immediately stopped, he lowered his hand and they crouched behind the foliage. They had finally caught up to their pray. They watched from a distance as the group trudged forward, they noticed the man at the back move quickly towards a girl, she was beautiful.

Shantee and Razor looked at each other, silently communicating with one another, that was her, they could feel her power from where they were. Even from a distance the girl radiated power like no other they had seen.

The sound of people in the distance reached their ears, they had finally reached their destination. Hanging back they waited until the group entered the clearing. Once the group were at a safe distance Razor turned to Shantee.

"They know were here"

"Yes, did you see him? He knew we were here and yet he chose not to face us" Shantee spat.

Razor grimaced.

"You heard what he said, were only here for information"

Shantee cackled, it was not a pleasant sound. "Are you telling me if you had the chance you would'nt want to rip his head off"

Razor snarled at her, his yellow teeth clenching together. Shantee knew how much he wanted Julius's blood, but for The Creator , he was loyal, their was no way he would go against orders. Without a doubt Shantee would rile him up, goading and prodding, trying to get a rise out of him.


Shantee looked at Razor with disdain. "Are you serious?"

"Yes, tell him we have them"

Shantee gave Razor a disgusted look before heading back the way they had come. Razor let out a breath, then a slow smile spread across his face, making him look more deadlier. A glint gleamed in his eye, he had done his job and after all these years he had found Julius.

The early morning light shone through the fibres of the tent,Abby stirred from her sleep. She would have stretched if she had been able to move, it was like a tin of sardines in here. Turning on her side she wiggled her way free from the sea of bodies. Slowly Abby crept out of the tent.

There was no one else about, taking in a deep breath of fresh air she relished this time alone. Striding to the edge of the clearing Abby closed her eyes, using her senses she reached out with her mind. Her mind picked up the tracker with ease, there was only one now, watching and waiting.

As she delved closer Abby couldn't stop the shudder that ran through her. It was a man, if that's what you could call him, but she could feel the sheer desperation coming from him. It oozed from his very pores, the desperation to injure, maim, kill. He was a nasty piece of work, and he was baying for their blood.

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