Chapter Six

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Since Abby was the only one who really needed a shower the girls stayed and waited for her. It was the quickest shower in history. Abby had been so weary of coming to this school, so far she had been proved wrong, it was so much better than ordinary school and more interesting.

Heading over for lunch with her girls, as she now decided to call them, her stomach rumbled and they all laughed.

"Worked up an appetite have we?" said Leah

Abby grinned "Yeah I'm starving"

Heading into the cafeteria, it bustled with the loud noises of teenagers. Now this was defiantly a familiar setting, it gave Abby a pang for her old school. Shaking it off she headed towards the lunch queue, a familiar smell assaulted her senses.

"Cheeseburgers'" she cried happily

Abby grabbed a cheeseburger, some fries and an orange juice. She was so distracted by the thought of filling herself up with her favourite meal she followed with her head down staring greedily at her food. She placed her tray on the table, as she looked up she screamed in fright.


Everyone stopped and looked at her.

"There are two of them"

This sent everyone into a fit of giggles. There before her sat a vision, two of the most beautiful boys she had ever seen. Jacob had a twin, and what a perfect twin he was. He watched her with amusement as she took him in. She could easily set them apart since Jacob was sporting a bruise under his right eye, and his twins hair was a bit different, it sorta hung over his forehead covering one of his eyes.

Hey wait a minute, it must have been him in history class, and Abby felt a blush steel up her cheeks. The twin stood up and offered his hand.

"Hey I'm Jarrod; I see you've already met my dufus of a brother"

Abby shyly took his hand; she was blown away by the electric current that shot up her arm through her body leaving a warm cosy feeling. They both stared at each other in shock. Wow this boy was hot. She could have stared into his eyes forever if she hadn't heard a slight cough.

"Hey sexy"

Abby dropped Jarrod's hand and turned to Jacob with a look of fury on her face.

"Don't you sexy me, you knew didn't you, you knew in the gym that I thought you were him, you had better be careful otherwise I will make your left eye match your right."

Everybody went quiet until Jacob spoke.

"You're so hot when you're mad"

Abby smiled and shook her head as everyone laughed. He was such a flirt. Sitting down to eat her lunch Leah and Cali began to tell the others about her spar with Jacob in the gym.

"So, how did you enjoy your morning so far?" asked Aiden, she had to strain a little to hear him he was so quiet.

"It was okay, I learned the story of how the vampires were born, which was quite sad, history wasn't really my thing, but I loved gym class" she replied giving a smug grin to Jacob.

"So, where'd you learn how to fight anyways" asked Jarrod

"From my mom" Abby said quietly "She was always on at me since I was little about learning how to protect myself. I guess I didn't really understand why till now"

"That's so cool, I wish my mom was like that, maybe you could introduce her to my mom, give her some tips" said Cali

Abby's face froze, a wave of agony washed over her. Just the thought of not being able to share this with her mom brought tears to her eyes. She felt someone grab her hand and looked up to see Jarrod looking at her with sympathy in his eyes.

"I'm sorry" he said

Everyone was still looking at her, how did he know?

"You're projecting your thoughts to me" he said in matter of fact. Abby looked at him in confusion.

"It's one of our gifts, mind reading; you will learn how to control it"

Everyone was still looking confused and Abby didn't want to talk about it, Jarrod seemed to know what she wanted so he said

"Abby's mom passed away recently, she brought her to us"

Abby put her head down as she listened to them voice there sympathy.This wasn't what she wanted, she didn't want them to pity her. Suddenly the atmosphere changed, Abby could feel the fury radiating from Jarrod. Looking up she saw the reason for his displeasure, there was a boy about a year older than Abby, the same age as Jarrod and Jacob. He was quite cute, his hair was the same colour as Abby's, he had a wide smile but it didn't seem to reach his eyes.

"You must be the new girl right, I'm Zane, if you want to enjoy yourself here you're better off with me than these losers"

"Yeah I'm Abby, and I quite like these losers "she sneered. Who was this guy, what a jerk? He just kept his smile plastered to his face.

"What do you want Zane, were busy" Jarrod's voice shook with anger.

"Hey don't shoot the messenger, the Principal wants to see Abby in his office straight after lunch" he gave Abby another smile before walking off.

"What a jerk" said Abby.

"Stay away from him Abby he's bad news" said Leah

"Wonder what the principle wants? If you don't make it back to class I'll meet you in the dorm room ok?"


Abby stood up and collected her things wait a minute she didn't even know where the principal's office was.

"I'll walk you over Abby"

Abby looked at Jarrod with a smile.

"That would be perfect Jarrod thank you"

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