Chapter Thirty Nine

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Oh my god, I cant believe this is the final Chapter of Abby. I really hope you wont hate me at the end of this, but it was just the way it had to be. I want to thank everyone for their great support, without you I don't think I would ever have finished the book, Happy reading and don't forget the epilogue :)


Abby stopped at the edge of the clearing, taking one last look to make sure she was alone. Abby looked back at Jarrod’s tent longingly, she wished more then anything she could have said goodbye, she would have told him not to mourn her, to be happy. Abby knew this was a cliché, but she meant it, there was no way she would expect any of her friends to be sad she was gone, she wanted them to remember the short time they had spent together with love and happiness.

Abby tested the wards, true to her word they were down,taking a deep breath Abby walked slowly in to the woods. The tracker would know the second Abby walked away from the camp sight. Having no idea of which to head she walked in the direction of the tracker.

He wasn't far away, Abby stopped short of his position, waiting. Abby could sense his confusion and his desire to act out his impulses.

Sighing she cleared her throat. "I'm ready, take me to Him"

With out a sound the tracker stepped out of a nearby bush, Abby recoiled in horror, he was well over six foot, his bald head shone like a beacon. His eyes were as black as the night, he grinned at Abby revealing razor sharp teeth.

Abby could read his mind and it wasn't a pleasant place to be, his name was Razor and he had been waiting for a moment like this.Abby blocked out his thoughts, she really didn't need to know what he wished to do to her. Without a word the tracker slithered over to Abby. Abby stood her ground as he came right up to her face. He ran his head up one side of her neck and then the other taking in her scent.

"Are you going to stand there all day sniffing me like a dog or are you going to take me to your master"

Razor growled at Abby, he grabbed her by her ponytail and began dragging her away from the direction of the camp. Abby grunted with the pain. he was pulling so hard she felt like her scalp was coming off. Razor didn't let up, branches grazed Abby's face and arms as she was dragged through the forest.

Razor pushed his way through a big bush and entered a clearing, pulling Abby forward and throwing her to the ground.

"Now Razor, that's not the way we treat guest's now is it?"

Dread filled Abby's heart as she looked up. The Creator stood before her, in the flesh, with a sinister gleam in his eye.

Zane bolted up right. His senses were going haywire, something was wrong. An urge to check on Abby grew so strong he was unable to resist it. Silently he made his way over to the girls tent, with each step he took his fear intensified.

Gently opening it he knew what he would find, Abby was gone. Standing he scanned the area, there was no way she could have been taken, which meant only one thing. He had to go after her, he didn't have time to explain to the others about his feelings, he just knew.

"Calli" he roared, not having the need for quiet anymore.

Calli practically jumped out of her skin at Zane's roar, scrambling over the girls she made it to the front of the tent. Zane was pacing impatiently outside, he looked both angry and scared.

"What's wrong?" she asked.

"It's Abby, she's gone. I don't have time get the others, she's in the woods. I'm going after her."

Abby (book 1)Watty Award FinalistWhere stories live. Discover now