Chapter Thirty Seven

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This is for @crimsonnight96, hope you get better soon x Thanks to everyone for reading and commenting on Abby, hope you like this chapter:)

Abby stood from her position, finally they would get what they came for. Selena stood , gesturing towards Magda's tent.

"You should go"

"On my own?" Abby asked, she thought the whole group would be involved in this. Julius, Jarrod and Zane all stood.

"No" said Julius  "We go together"

Selena shrugged her shoulders "You can try"

The whole gang weaved their way through to Magda's tent. Abby could still feel the magic surrounding the tent, should she attempt to walk through it or wait. Abby looked to Julius for guidance, he nodded his head back toward the tent.

The front of the tent shifted and a woman stepped out. Abby was right, she did look like Selena. You could say an older version except Magda only looked a few years older than Selena, she bore no wrinkles bar a few on her eyes.

Magda's eyes gazed around the group, stopping on each for a moment before moving on. When her gaze landed on Abby, Abby felt rather than saw her take in a breath. Magda stared deep into Abby's eyes, just as it got to the point of uncomfortable Magda spoke.

"Been waiting long have you?" Magda asked.

The whole group except for Selena and Julius stood in shock. Magda was a beautiful woman, but when she spoke she sounded like an old crone, her voice did not fit the image before them. Magda cackled at the looks on their faces.

"Magda" Julius greeted her. Magda's lips turned down.

"Julius, I would say it was nice to see you but that would be lying"

When Selena said that Magda was abrupt Abby had never imagined this. The way Magda spoke to her father infuriated her.

"Don't talk to my father like that" Abby snapped.

Magda's gaze once again focused on Abby. "Youv'e got fire, I like that. Now come in "

Abby walked forward, just as she reached the Seer Magda held her hand up. "Just Abby, the rest of you can wait for now"

Abby looked back at her father, he gave a slight nod and a smile, he knew she could do this. Abby followed Magda into the tent. The Seer's tent actually contained a bed, a table, two chairs and a few lamps. Magda ushered Abby into one of the chairs. Abby couldn't wait any longer.

"Can you help us?"

Magda walked around the table to the other chair. " Maybe, now, I see you have worked some of your issues out with Julius" she said saying Julius's name with contempt.

"Well that's none of your business and I don't like the way you talk about him, he hasn't done anything to you"

"Aah, like that is it. Not so long ago you wanted nothing to do with him. And Julius took something precious to me"

"If your referring to your daughter she's right outside. He didn't take her away from you, it was her choice, and maybe's if you were a bit nicer to people they would be nice to you"

Magda laughed, her awful cackle piercing the air. "I like you, you have a lot of spirit, though I fear it might not be enough"

Abby felt more than a little confused by this woman. "What does that mean?"

"Exactly what I said, are you deaf?"

"Look, do you know how to kill The Creator or not?"

Magda studied Abby for a moment. "There is only one way he can be killed"

Abby (book 1)Watty Award FinalistWhere stories live. Discover now