Chapter 1:

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Chapter 1:

Chapter 1:

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"Remind me again, why I'm here?"

The brunette in the driver's seat asked her best friend in the passenger's seat. They were apparently going to hang out with a few guys that Lydia had met.

It had been about four months since the incident with Gerard had happened. In that time, Allison had left over the summer to France to get away from everything. Lydia had spent her time either shopping or having summer flings in order distract herself from Jackson heading off to London.

Emily on the other hand, spent her summer partying and drinking as her own distraction from the feeling of guilt she had. She hadn't really seen much of Derek as he had been off searching for his beta's that had obviously been kidnapped by the alphas but had no luck finding them. Eli had left town only a couple of weeks ago as he said he needed to visit an old friend.

And it wasn't like her and Derek had spoken about that night. It was just something that had provided an outlet for their frustrations. Which had somehow helped.

"Because you need to do something other than partying and because we haven't had a chance to hang out all summer." Lydia quickly replied in a blunt tone.

Emily gave her a side-glance and scoffed. "I think it's mainly because of your extracurricular activities and we hang out every time you want to go shopping." She glanced in the back to the huntress. "Speaking of extracurricular activities... no french men to warm your sheets over the summer?"

Allison flushed. "Of course not." She hadn't really wanted to date especially with her breakup with Scott that she didn't really think about. The two girls in the front seats shared an amused look. "So are you sure it's not a triple date or anything?" She asked, repeating her earlier question.

"It is not a triple date. It is a group thing." Lydia said.

"Do they know it's a group thing?" She questioned the girl. "'Cause I told you that I'm not ready to get back out there."

"It better just be a group thing because if it is a date, I'm going to compel him to sit quietly as I stab him with a fork." Emily said bluntly.

"No compelling." Lydia chided her.

"Yeah, and no stabbing anybody with kitchen utensils." Allison added, although she wasn't really against the idea of having her possible date compelled away from her.

Emily scoffed. "Says the girl who went all warrior princess on everybody." She remembered the annoyed look that Eli would give her because he blamed her for Allison stabbing him.

The huntress went bright red at the reminder of how she had let her grandfather control her. "Eli knows that I'm sorry about stabbing him, right?" She wasn't going to apologize for stabbing Derek or his pack members since she was still bitter about him biting her mother.

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