Chapter 45:

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"She just growled at me

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"She just growled at me." Stiles whispered in disbelief and slight fear, turning to his girlfriend beside him.

Emily grinned at him and shrugged. "Can't blame her. I wouldn't want to go up there either." She said, eyeing the letters and numbers on the board.

"Has Derek told you anything about Kate or Peter's missing 117 million dollars?" He asked her.

She glanced at him. "He said he was going to hire Braeden to find Kate. Peter thinks she's the one who stole his money which wouldn't surprise me if she did."

He pursed his lips. "Did you know that the Hales were that rich?"

She hummed. "Of course. I'm the one that gave them majority of it. Well, actually I gave the money to Lily. I sent it to her so she could rebuild everything that my father and his men had destroyed." He went to say something else but there was an alert on his phone that made him freeze in his spot. It was a triple homicide. She noticed his expression. "What is it?"

"Look." He showed her and then glanced at the clock. "We need to tell Scott."

She sighed, "Do we have to? I mean, it obviously has nothing supernatural about it." She pointed out. It was an axe murderer.

"It's always something supernatural." He reminded her, feeling it in his gut that it was connected. "We're telling Scott." He said firmly making her roll her eyes.




"An axe murderer?" Kira repeated, walking beside Scott with Emily and Stiles following behind them.

Stiles nodded. "A family murdering axe murderer."

Scott walked up to his locker. "I already heard about it."

"Wait. What?" Stiles looked at him disbelief. "You did? How?"

"My mom called me. She knew we'd see it on the news."

"Perfect. Let's go."

"Whoa, whoa. We've got Econ in five minutes."

"All right." He scoffed. "Did you forget the part about the family murdering axe murderer?"

Scott glanced at him. "Did you forget that your dad's the sheriff? They want us to stay out of it."

"Are you guys kidding me?" Stiles looked at the three who looked disinterested in getting involved. "There's a family murdering axe murderer and we're not going to do anything about it?"

Kira grimaced. "Maybe we should just let the adults handle it."

"So the three of you, you just want to stay here, school, go to class." He made a face at the idea. "Never heard anything so irresponsible in my life." He huffed, grabbing his girlfriend's hand to pull her along. "Come on."

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