Chapter 2:

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Chapter 2:

Chapter 2:

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It was early morning, the sun was only just beginning to rise. The sound of digging and quiet huffs escaped her lips as she finished digging the hole in the middle of the woods. Her hazel eyes momentarily flickered over to the grey-colored body that belonged to another vampire that had snuck into her home to taunt her under her father's compulsions.

This was the third vampire that showed up at her home. The previous one she had caught following her and Lydia when they went to the mall. Luckily, Lydia had been in the dressing room trying out a bunch of outfits and she had taken the chance to kill the vampire.

It was for that reason why she had been trying to subtly keep her distance from Lydia all summer since she didn't want her best friend getting attacked. Fortunately, she didn't have to worry too much over Stiles since he had been keeping his distance the last four months and Allison had been in a different country.

Her father didn't have that much leverage on her and it wasn't like he actually knew what these people meant to her. At least she hoped he didn't.

All she could do was anticipate his next move. Because right now all he was doing was taunting her and putting her on edge.

She checked her phone and saw there was a few hours until school was starting, she let out a sigh as she finished dumping the body in the hole she made. Hopefully she'd have enough time to finish burying the dead vampire before Lydia and Allison came to pick her up for school.


Eli kept glancing at the woman beside him with both wariness and hesitance. He wasn't sure if he should feel guilty for what he had done but he had to remind himself that it was for Emily. Even if she didn't know about his current actions. He had to find a way to keep her from doing what she was going to do.

He knew it was probably a long shot but he didn't really want to risk the girl he had fallen for dying over something that happened so long ago. He knew of the history between Emily and the woman beside him. It wasn't a good one.

"Are you positive that she won't mind me visiting?" Cecilia Montgomery questioned the younger pureblood with a furrowed brow look. "Because the last time I saw Emiliya, she told me to stop interfering with her life."

Eli put on a poker-face expression, trying to not give away how the lies he told the woman. "Of course she wants to see you. I mean, she'll pretend to act all annoyed by your visit but she'll actually be really happy to see you."

"Really?" She looked doubtful by his words.

He nodded. "You are her aunt after all."

The woman continued to feel doubt over his words. She was sure that her niece wouldn't be too happy about her presence but she could only hope for the best.

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