Chapter 13:

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Chapter 13:

Chapter 13:

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William Reed, a man with many faults. He was cruel, manipulative, and by all means unscrupulous. Afterall, he was a man who has been around for more than a millennium. He had seen people around him die more than once and been betrayed countless times.

One of those betrayals was by his own wife. He had been with countless woman before he met her. He couldn't say that he loved Olivia Montgomery at first. She was but a young teenager when they first met when his father told him of their arranged marriage. It was a slow love that grew to something he never knew was possible.

It had bothered him at first but he had known it was bound to happen eventually. He found her annoying and too delicate for his tastes. He had witnessed bloodshed from the wars with the werewolves and other creatures that threatened their lands. She was too innocent and always defended those who weren't vampires.

It was safe to say that their marriage was always a tense one in the beginning. But, because he married her, he was a man with principles and never failed her as a husband. He was faithful to her. He never forced himself on her. But, he knew their pressures of bearing an heir and couldn't handle the scoldings from his father any longer especially when he told to just force himself on Olivia. He disliked his father's ideals so he killed him.

He really hated that man.

Which was why whenever he looked in a mirror and saw his reflection, his father always stared back him. Life is funny how you sometimes become the thing you hate.

In this case, he started to turn into his father. Slowly but surely.

With the pressure gone, he took his time to court his own wife since he never put much work into getting her to fall for him. He did feel a bit bad because Olivia had been raised already knowing that she was going to be his bride and knew more about him than he did about her.

But at the end it didn't matter since centuries later, Olivia was with child. Or rather children since she bore twins. Girls at that.

If only his father had been alive, he would have had him kill the girls and keep having more children until a boy was born.

He didn't know what love truly was until he held his daughters in his arms. He adored them even more when he saw they both had their parents eyes. His oldest had his shade of brown while the youngest twin had her mother's.

Now, he didn't say he was the nicest person in the world unless it came to his daughters or his wife. He could truly say that he did love Olivia. She was only woman who ever made him feel that way.

That whole perfect family he believed he had, shattered when he found out about his wife's deceit. You see his gift was the ability to see others memories with a single touch. It had to be skin to skin so it wasn't like he could just touch someone wearing a shirt and see every memory they had. It also had to be if he wanted to see their memories.

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