Chapter 38:

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Stiles stepped out of the jeep, walking over to his girlfriend who had left to go pick up both Allison and Kira. He tried to not think about how on the way there, he had asked his best friend to look after her if he did die tonight. He really didn't want to die but, if it meant that no one else had to die than he was okay with that.

"We've done this before, guys." Scott spoke up, glancing at all of them. "A couple of weeks ago we were standing around just like this and we saved Malia, remember? That was a total stranger. This is Lydia."

Emily's hazel eyes flickered to the brunette across from her, recalling the conversation they had in the car before picking up Kira. "Well, I'm here to save one of my best friends."

Allison smiled. "Me too."

"And I came to save mine." Scott added, glancing at Stiles who gave him a pained smile.

"I just didn't feel like doing any homework." Isaac admitted.

They all stepped inside Oak Creek, the air ominous around them. The pureblood glanced at the huntress. "Stay safe, warrior princess."

Allison rolled her eyes at the name. "Go find our best friend."

The pureblood brunette chuckled as she followed Stiles,and Scooby inside the tunnels to look for Lydia while the rest distracted Kira's mother. Emily and Scott didn't have any difficulty tracking Lydia's scent. "She's this way." Scott announced, the three on their way to find their friend.


Lydia paced in the small cell that Void Stiles had left her in. She really hoped that everybody had gotten her message and hadn't showed up. The dreading feeling she had been getting all day wasn't going away. It actually seemed to be getting worse.

Someone was going to die but she didn't know who and it terrified her. She only knew that it was someone she was close to. It was for that reason she didn't want them to come here.

"Lydia?" She spun around so quickly, rushing up to the gate where Scott, Emily, and Stiles were. "Are you alright?" Scott asked her, trying to break the gate open.

"No. No, no, no." She was horrified seeing them here. "Why are you here?"

"Lydia, we're here for you." Emily told her as if it were obvious.

Tears filled her green eyes as she shook her head. "You weren't supposed to be here. You didn't get my message?"

"Lydia, what's happening?"

"Who else is here?" She ignored Scott, she needed to know who else had come to rescue her. "Who came with you? Who else is here?"

"Allison, Kira, and Isaac are here too but there outside keeping Noshiko distracted." Stiles told her, seeing how rattled she looked.

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