Chapter 34:

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Stiles pressed a soft kiss on her head as she lied comfortably in his arms. "I can't believe we just had sex in a nuthouse." Emily muttered, enjoying being close to him like this.

He chuckled, "Oliver said we shouldn't call it that." He whispered in amusement, placing a hand on her hip. "And it was great sex."

"It's always great sex." She mused, turning her head to glance at him with a curious look. "Oliver is your roommate, right?"

He nodded, "Hmm." Her eyes flickered to the engraved sign for self on the wall across the room and he followed her gaze. "What is it?"

A thought crossed her mind and she got up, walking over to the sign and knocked against the wall. He stood up, following behind her wondering what she noticed.

Her brows furrowed at the sound. "It's hollow." She stood up, turning to him.

Stiles found a metal pipe and nodded for her to step back. She looked ready to offer to do it but he was already hitting it against the wall. The wall slowly crumbling with each hit. Once there was a large gaping hole in the wall, he stopped. His breath hitched, seeing the figure inside the wall. "That's him." He choked out.

Emily stared at the body and then back at him. "The nogitsune?" She watched him nod shakily. She looked over back at the dead body and pursed her lips for a moment before digging in his pockets, hoping to find something else that might help. Her eyes lit up when she found a picture and didn't look at it before passing it over to him. "Here."

He took it, his heart dropping into his stomach as he stared at the image. "Em, we have to get this to Scott." The girl in the picture was Kira or a relative of hers.

"Why?" She didn't find anything else aside from the katana that was there and sighed. The crackling sound caused her to look at him and saw Stiles on the ground before her eyes flickered to the kid named Oliver.

"You took Brunski's keys. I took his stun gun." Oliver said nervously before his eyes flickered to her and she stood, eyeing him warily. She was ready to attack him and he seemed to realize that as he quickly pushed her against the wall. "I also found some vervain." He murmured, stabbing her in the neck and injecting it into her bloodstream. She tried to fight the darkness and her grip loosened, she fell to the ground and Stiles stared at Oliver with a stunned expression. "Like I was saying, Stiles, I heard they used to do trepanation here."

"Oliver... What are you doing?" He asked, looking nervous as Oliver picked up a drill.

The teen with the taser glanced at him, holding the drill. "I'm going to let the evil spirits out."


Stiles vision began to clear, catching sight of Oliver standing over him. He must of passed out earlier. "I borrowed a few pointers from the five point restraint."

He took notice of the fact that he was restrained in the chair. He tried to pull himself loose but the straps were tightly secured. "Oliver, stop this." Oliver began to cough into his hand, he stared at the firefly in his palm. Stiles looked over to see Emily in the same position as him but she was unconscious. "Oliver, listen to me." The boy came closer with the drill and he started to panic. "Stop! Oliver! Oliver! Stop!"

"Start with her." A familiar deep voice said. The two young teenagers tensed at the voice of the Nogitsune.

"You did this." Stiles realized, blinking away his watery eyes. He saw the Nogitsune standing only five feet away from him as Oliver walked over to Emily. "You got into his head."

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