Chapter 15:

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Chapter 15:

Stiles stared at the pile of ashes, wrinkling his nose at the smell of smoke that lingered in the cold air

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Stiles stared at the pile of ashes, wrinkling his nose at the smell of smoke that lingered in the cold air. He turned his head to look at the warehouse, blinking several times as if to make sure that his vision wasn't failing him. He felt his heart feel as if it was about to burst when he saw her.

She was alive.

She was alive.

His mind chanted in relief as his brown orbs never left her approaching figure.

"She's okay." Eli breathed out beside him, staring at the girl with wide eyes that shone with relief and happiness. He could see some blood on the sword and could assume that she had actually managed to kill her father.

Cece stared at her niece who seemed a little lost as she walked towards them and she was closer, seeing the way she didn't look at any of them. "Emily?" She asked hesitantly, watching as the brunette ignored her, walking past her. As if she didn't even see her.

Stiles' brows furrowed, seeing how the brunette ignored her aunt and walked past her. "Em?" He asked, seeing the blood splattered on her maroon tank top and blood stains on her black jeans. He could see that her wounds were healing and how she seemed tired. He wanted to reach out and pull her into his arms but he didn't.

She walked past him as well while she pushed the sword into Eli's hand and headed towards her car. Silently, they watched as she got in her car and drove off.

They realized that she was obviously in shock and probably reeling in from finally avenging those she lost.

Stiles wanted to go after her but he felt unsure of what he would say. But, he did plan on seeing her soon. He hadn't liked how silent she was.

He looked back at the two purebloods who were busy finishing up the clean up. He sighed, taking a glance at his phone to see messages from his best friend. He quickly told him that he was fine and that he'd see him at school.

But right now, his focus was on the brunette that left them behind.


The cold nipped at her arms as she stood in front of the tree that held numerous memories that she had long pushed to the back of her mind.

Her eyes stared at the initials carved on the tree that she could still see despite the years that had passed.

"I did it." She whispered softly, her voice thick. "I killed him."

And suddenly it was like all the emotions she had held onto for so long came crashing down on her.

And suddenly it was like all the emotions she had held onto for so long came crashing down on her

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Unraveling ❖ Stiles Stilinksi [2]Where stories live. Discover now