Chapter 24:

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Noah approached the three who were waiting for him. He had arrived shortly after they called him. "You're sure it was her?"

"I looked her right in the eyes." Scott told him, recalling how he caught up to Malia just before she ran off. "And they glowed just like mine."

Stiles nodded, looking at his dad. "It makes sense, Dad."

"But it wasn't a girl." Noah pointed out, not believing their story. "It was a four-legged coyote, right?"

"Well, okay." Stiles muttered, holding Emily's hand. "But yeah, see, that's the point that we don't exactly have figured out yet."

"Okay, but if it was a full moon and she did change while her mom was driving, then anything could've happened."

"Horrible things could've happened. Ripping, shredding, tearing things." Stiles listed with a grimace.

Scott nodded. "Which is probably what caused the accident."

Emily hummed. "It does make sense." She said, glancing at them. "If they were driving during the night of the full moon, Malia could've started to shift before going out of control and her mom lost control of the car before crashing, killing everyone."

"Except for Malia." Stiles chimed, while Scott nodded his head in agreement.

She continued with her explanation, thinking about the emotions she got from the memories. The guilt had been what stood out the most at the end of the flashes. "Who is probably swimming in guilt and is now stuck as a coyote."

"Werecoyote." Her boyfriend corrected her causing her to give him deadpan look.

"That makes sense." Noah paused, watching the relieved looks on their faces that he believed them before speaking a bit louder. "In a Chinese folktale." Emily and Stiles both pouted while Scott frowned. "This is this is insane. I need this kept quiet. The three of you, not a word. I don't want anyone hearing about this. I especially don't want Mr. Tate hearing about this." He glanced at the alpha who seemed to be staring off into the woods. "Scott? Scott!"

"Sorry." The alpha muttered. "What did you say?"

Emily, Stiles, and Scott turned their heads at the approaching sirens, a flicker of dislike passing through their gazes when they realized who it was. Noah glanced over, a grimace on his lips when he caught sight of Rafael McCall coming towards them with Mr. Tate by his side. "Oh, hell. Mr. Tate." He slowly handed him the object that was inside of the den.

"Mr. Tate?" Raphael muttered.

Mr. Tate stared at the object in his hands with watery eyes. "It's hers."

"All right, wait here."

Scott glanced at his father with a small frown on his lips. "Dad."

"I'll talk to you in a minute. I wouldn't mind hearing how your mom's okay with you running around in the woods this late." The man said before walking with Noah, leaving the three to stand there.


The following day, the three stood in history class with Allison and quickly explained what they found. Emily stood beside Stiles as he pointed at the spot on the map on the tablet. "Here's where we found the den." He told the huntress. "It's right in the middle of the hiking trails."

Allison hummed. "Well, that could narrow it down. Coyotes travel in fixed trails. But I think you're right about her not going back to the den. Coyotes don't like wolves. And they're really smart." She informed them. "If they don't want to be heard, they actually walk on their toes."

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