Chapter 8:

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Chapter 8:

Emily stayed outside the bathroom, making sure no one came in

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Emily stayed outside the bathroom, making sure no one came in. She was holding her leather jacket in her hands as she had started to feel a little warm. The pureblood would usually find being the guard annoying but in this case she was finding it amusing as she scared those who wanted to go into the bathroom fun.

"Leave." She said bluntly, to the two boys who wanted to use the restroom stood in front of her. She glared at them and they quickly scurried off and she chuckled. It was definitely funny watching how intimidated they were by her.

"Come on." Stiles grabbed her hand quickly pulling her towards the bus.

"But, I was scaring people away. Someone has to make sure they don't see Scott bleeding out in the bathroom." She pointed out, glancing at the place she was in faux sadness.

"Lydia's got it. We have to get Scott's shirt so he can change." He said, finding it adorable as she pouted.

She wrinkled her nose in disgust as she stared at the yellow bus. "I really don't want to get any closer to that bus than I have to. It still reeks of puke despite the fact that their cleaning it."

She groaned as he pulled her with him and she managed to get him to get the bag while she waited outside. Stiles quickly told her he was going to hand the bag to Lydia so she could give it to Allison and that he would be back.

"What's wrong with Scott?" Isaac asked her as he and Boyd walked up to her.

She crossed her arms over her chest as she sent him a glance before her eyes flickered warily towards Ethan who was standing beside Danny. "Scott hasn't healed from his wounds and Allison is stitching him up."

"He hasn't healed?" Boyd repeated in disbelief, staring at the pureblood in surprise.

She only hummed, the two watching as Isaac suddenly growled and made his way towards Ethan.

"That's not good." She muttered, watching him suddenly punch the alpha in the face and the two brawling it out.

"What's happening?!" Stiles exclaimed as he rushed back over to them.

"I might have told them about Scott and Isaac got all defensive before punching Ethan in the face." She told him bluntly.

Stiles gaped at her before furrowing his brows. "What?" He found it a bit surprising that it was Isaac who was doing the fighting. "Can you stop them?"

"I guess." She mumbled, seeing his look and handed him her jacket to hold. She hesitantly walked towards the two fighting werewolves. "You idiots need to stop." She snapped, reaching over to stop them and tried to shove them away from each other and instead she was the one pulling away in shock when she felt a sharp sting in her arm. "Damn it. This isn't good." She murmured under her breath as she stepped back, holding her forearm.

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