Chapter 40:

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The crunching of leaves alerted him of someone coming close and he didn't turn around when their scent wafted into his nose. He had been coming here the last week since the funeral and avoiding everyone.

They stood a couple feet behind him, he finally glanced back to see her standing there looking at the slab of stone that he had been staring at for the last half hour and noticed the bottle of bourbon in her hand. Everyone had their own way of dealing with grief, he guessed.

He looked back at the headstone, sniffling slightly

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He looked back at the headstone, sniffling slightly. "Does it ever get better?" He found himself asking quietly, standing up to look at her since she was probably the only one who understood the agony he was currently in. "I mean, after Mateo... all this time, does it still hurt?"

He wanted to desperately get rid of the feelings of hurt and pain he had over losing Allison. He could still remember her last words and dying breaths. They haunted him every time he feel asleep or if he was left alone.

Emily stared at the headstone, ignoring the sadness and grief that rolling off of him in waves. She pursed her lips, taking a drink. "Do you want the honest answer?" She noticed his hesitant nod and she sighed. "No, it doesn't get better." She told him bluntly, if she thought about that night she could still remember every gut wrenching emotion she felt. "But, then again you are asking the girl who spent more than a century chasing after her father who killed the man she loved."

"Right." He breathed, swallowing back his own tears. Crying was all he had done whenever he was alone and the one time his mom held him as he let out the grief.

She glanced at him. "But, even after everything and despite the fact that I love Stiles now, part of me will always love Mateo. That's just part of what keeps us human, knowing that we can feel these things. I know right now it may seem like there's no way you can fall in love again or hearing her name makes you want to cry." She paused, licking her lips as she continued. "It gets easier. You learn to live with it, to live without her. You won't forget her. You shouldn't want to forget someone who taught you what it was like to fall in love. Even if you do feel like..." She trailed, struggling to describe the pain.

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