Chapter 22:

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"You both realize that you don't live alone, right?" Eli reminded the two as he walked into the kitchen with a look of annoyance on his face.

Emily turned her head to look away from Stiles who was eating breakfast across from her and looked at her fellow pureblood roommate with a look of amusement in her hazel eyes. "And you do remember that no one is forcing you to stay here, right?"

He gave her a fake laugh as he opened the refrigerator and took out a blood bag. "You know, it's actually surprising that a human can actually please you."

Stiles narrowed his eyes at him and went to retort but ended up almost choking on the cereal he was eating when Emily spoke up. "Well Stiles might not have supernatural strength but he does have other skills. Like this thing he does with his tongue--"

"Stop." Eli wrinkled his nose in disgust. "I don't need to know what you two do in the bedroom. Hearing it is enough for me. I don't need details."

She smirked, her eyes twinkling. "You sure? Because I can tell you how Stiles also--"

"Okay! We should be getting to school now!" Stiles exclaimed, getting up from the stool and set the bowl in the sink, his face flushed. He would have thought that he would get used to his girlfriend talking about them being together intimately but unfortunately that wasn't the case.

He also didn't think they were loud. Unless, he hadn't noticed. There was the time they broke the bed frame and he immediately tried to think of something else. Now was definitely not the time to think about that. Or the time a few days ago when they did it on the kitchen counter. He swallowed, feeling his face burn when he heard Emily.

Emily blinked. "But, I was just about to tell Eli how you're a very generous lover."

"Please don't." Cece walked in, a small sigh escaping her lips. "Emily, my beautiful niece, I love you but, you really need a filter. Your lover here looks ready to pass out."

Emily glanced at Stiles and saw how red his face was, she huffed. "Fine, I'll stop. Come on, Stiles." She muttered, walking out of the kitchen and he quickly followed out after her but not before muttering a quiet apology.


Once they got to the school parking lot, Emily was stunned when Stiles unbuckled his seat belt and suddenly pulled her into a fervent kiss. She leaned against the door, running her hands through his brown locks as she kissed him back just as passionately.

One of his hands remained around the back of her neck to keep their lips attached and the other ran down her side. He never moved his hands under her shirt and she didn't mind even though she was turned on just from the kiss.

Once they pulled away for air, they were left panting and with swollen lips. She looked up at him with a half-lidded gaze, "Not that I mind but, what was that for?"

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