Chapter 28:

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A couple days had passed and there was still a blackout. It seemed like they hadn't fixed the power yet.

Eli narrowed his eyes at the sighing brunette across from as she lied on the couch with a bored expression on her face. "Can you stop that?" He asked her in an annoyed tone.

Emily turned her head, giving him a blank look. "No." She sighed.

"Where's your beloved human blood bag?" He asked her, noticing that the human wasn't around like he usually was.

A flash of annoyance passed through her hazel eyes at the way he referred to Stiles but chose to ignore it. "Apparently, Scooby's little girlfriend had nudes on her phone so they went to delete her pictures off of it before the cops see it. Stiles has the keys to Sheriff's station so he went with them." She explained, a little surprised that the new girl was into that but she actually found herself more impressed.

She'd never done that but the image of a flustered Stiles came to mind at the thought of him receiving a picture from her made her smirk. She wiped it away, realizing that Eli was still there.

"Huh, he already moved on from his little Juliet?" He asked in slight shock. He recalled how Emily would tell him about the forbidden love between the werewolf and huntress.

She stared up at the ceiling, letting out a small hum. "Hm. Yeah, I guess he did, but she did as well. I'm pretty sure her and Scarf boy are ready to rip each others clothes off." She mused, sitting up when her phone in her pocket buzzed. It was a message from Danny. Her eyes lit up at the invitation to the blacklight party he was hosting and where it would be taking place. She sent Stiles a message, telling him to go to the party.

"What is it?" Eli asked her, seeing the excited look on her face.

Emily stood up, she was actually interested in going to the blacklight party. Halloween really was the only time any supernatural could freely be themselves and normal people would just assume it was their costume. "Do you want to go to a party?"


"So, you really aren't going to get your body painted?"

The music was loud while a lot of people who had their bodies painted to glow in the dark danced to the beat. Lydia eyed her best friend who was wearing a white halter top and black ripped skinny jeans. "No thanks. I'd rather not." The genius said, watching the pureblood put on some neon red lipstick that glowed as soon as she put it on.

Emily glanced at her, putting it away, her eyes flickered over to Eli who was dancing with a few girls. "Well he's having fun." She mused, it was obvious that he would be taking advantage and would be drinking their blood before the night was over. Her eyes soon flickered over to Stiles and Scott with the new girl making their way inside the loft.

Lydia caught her line of sight and nudged her. "Go." She nodded.

The vampire sent her a grin before approaching her unsuspecting boyfriend and once she was close enough, she planted a kiss on his lips as her hands trailed down his chest and he jumped back, staring at her wide eyed. It was obvious he was caught off guard by the sudden kiss. Even in the dark, she could see his cheeks redden once he seemed to realize it was her. "Happy Halloween." She gave him a coy smirk before walking into the group of sweaty bodies, knowing that he would follow after her.

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