Chapter 19:

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  A/N: Thank you for understanding the lack of updates but I'm back now. I also want to thank those who offered their condolences on Quotev and Wattpad. It has been an emotional rollercoster the last couple of weeks but things are starting to get back to normal in a way.   

There was silence in the air and Stiles was still shaking from the cold water that he had just jumped out of. The room was vast, seemingly never ending but what caught his attention along with his two companions was the giant tree stump in the white room. They approached it with wariness and curiosity. He watched as Scott hesitantly placed his hand on the stump and it was like in a blink of an eye he was somewhere else.

His brows furrowed in confusion when he realized that he was in his bedroom with himself or rather his past self. The only reason he knew it was his past self was because of the short hair. He watched his past self muttering curses under his breath as he trashed his room as if searching for something. But the question was what?

He turned his head at the sound of the window being opened and watched as Emily crawled in through the window and he stared at her stunned. He had no recollection of this ever happening.

"Emily?" His former self breathed out in shock and quickly put his hand behind his back. Stiles stared at the two, feeling the obvious tension in the room. "What are you doing here?"

"I wanted to talk to you and your dad was sleeping so, I decided to come in through the window." The pureblood said nonchalantly, stepping further into his room as she eyed the mess he had.

He furrowed his brows, confusion was clear in his brown eyes. "What did you want to talk about?" His former self asked.

"About something that I realized tonight or maybe I've known for a while but I've just been too afraid to say it out loud." She stared into Stiles eyes with a softness in her hazel eyes. Stiles should have remembered this but why didn't he? Unless..."But I need to say it." She said softly, her eyes on him. "This is the most selfish thing that I've ever said in a very long time and I never thought that I'd say it again."

"Say what?" Short haired Stiles looked anxious about whatever it was she was going to say. Both Stiles hearts stuttered when she reached up and cupped his cheeks, bringing their faces closer and the words that slipped out of her mouth.

"I love you, Stiles." She murmured softly, his lips parted in shock and his voice got caught in his throat. She reached up and connected their lips for a brief moment, she felt him kiss her back. "And as much as I want you to remember this moment, I can't let you. I can't be selfish and be close to you like this. I can't risk you getting hurt, I won't." Stiles could see the heartbreak in both their eyes and he felt a lump in his throat as he watched on. "I have to do right by you Stiles." Their eyes connected and she rubbed her thumb gently over his cheek. "God, I wish you didn't have to forget." A tear slipped from her eyes and as painful as it was for her, she had to continue. "But you do."

His eyes dilated as soon as the words slipped from her mouth and he blinked. He stood in his room alone and looked down at his wrist, seeing the familiar woven bracelet.

Stiles swallowed thickly, recalling the tears he shed that night and couldn't recall why he had. But, now he knew or rather he remembered. She had told him that she loved and she kissed him. This was the first time he had ever heard her say the words aloud. He wasn't sure whether to be angry or upset. Maybe both.

He blinked again and gasped when he found himself in the dark woods of the preserve. He quickly remembered this night as well. It was the same night that Scott had been bitten and he turned around only to bump into the nemeton.

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