Chapter 25:

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After Scott had healed from the beating the twins gave him, they all headed to the preserve to look for Malia in hopes that Scott could turn her back. Lydia felt like she wouldn't be enough help in this type of situation and asked to be dropped off at home. As much as Lydia wanted to help, she couldn't do much in heels and she wasn't exactly in the mood to be running in the woods after a coyote girl.

Somehow, Emily and Stiles were the first ones to arrive at the preserve after dropping off the strawberry blonde at her home. The vampire wondered if they were actually doing Malia a favor by forcing her to turn back.

It was obvious the girl refused to turn back because of the guilt and also probably because she didn't know how to.

The pair got out of the jeep, Emily glanced around not hearing anybody nearby. "They're not here yet." Stiles muttered, glancing at his phone to see that Scott had gone home to change his shirt since his was bloody before coming. "What do you--" He was cut off by a pair of lips and wound his arms around her waist pulling her closer.

The vampire pushed Stiles against the jeep before roughly kissing him once more. His hands gripped her waist as she hands were locked in his hair. The only thoughts going through his mind were that he wanted her closer and picked her up before pushing her against the side of his jeep. He mentally apologized to his beloved Roscoe for such the rough treatment but didn't feel that guilty when she moved her lips down his neck. He gripped her thigh tighter when he felt her teeth graze his special spot on his throat and reconnected their lips, moving his other hand up her waist.

"Are you serious?!"

The loud shot startled him, causing him to let go of Emily who landed on her feet a frustrated look on her face and he turned around. There stood Isaac, Scott, and Allison, all wearing different expressions. He felt his face heat up. "When did you do get here?"

"A couple of minutes ago." Isaac said, giving him a disgusted look before looking at the two beside him. "Were they actually going to have sex?"

"Jealous?" Stiles retorted, while fixing his hair.

Isaac narrowed his eyes at him and Emily cut him off before he could speak. "You really like cockblocking, don't you, Scooby." She mumbled, staring at the alpha with an annoyed look.

Scott looked between the couple with a mixture of exasperation and embarrassment. "It's not my fault you two are always trying to rip each others clothes off whenever you're alone and that I'm always the one that has to see it happen."

"You've seen them?" Allison asked in disbelief.

The alpha looked flustered at the look she gave him. "It was an accident." He said offensively.

"You've almost walked in on us too." Emily reminded her and the huntress flushed at the reminder.

Stiles sputtered. "Okay, can we please stop talking about it now. It's embarrassing how many times you guys have either walked in or heard us doing it."

"Tell me about it." Isaac muttered under his breath.

"Okay." Emily relented, sighing. "Are we actually doing this?" She asked, there was a high possibility that Scott wouldn't be able to do it.

Scott glanced at her. "We're trying to keep a father from killing his own daughter."

"Actually, we're trying to keep a guy from killing a coyote who is actually his daughter, who we don't know how to change from a coyote back to his daughter." Isaac retorted.

Stiles rolled his eyes, getting annoyed by how pessimistic the beta was. "And again with the not helping."

The alpha ignored them, looking at his ex-girlfriend. "Did you bring it?"

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