Chapter 16:

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Chapter 16:

A few days had passed since Emily's departure from Beacon Hills and Stiles was so tempted to call her to come back

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A few days had passed since Emily's departure from Beacon Hills and Stiles was so tempted to call her to come back. Things had gotten a lot worse since she left.

Boyd was dead.

And now Derek had gone MIA.

Although he had a slight idea as to where he was after hearing the story how he first fell in love from Peter. It was shocking to hear how sourwolf had fallen in love with a human girl only to lose her due to the bite not taking to her.

It all made sense as to why he was so closed off from everyone. First he lost the first girl he loved and not long after he lost his entire family in a house fire. He honestly couldn't blame the guy for being such a bitter man, he'd probably be the same if he ever lost his dad and Emily.

He looked down at his phone, his finger hovering over Emily's name and sighed. He put his phone away with reluctance.

He didn't want to bother with something they could do alone even if a huge part of him just wanted to selfishly call her and hear her voice. Just to know that she was okay.

Stiles pressed his lips into a thin line, fighting himself to not call her and fell back onto his bed letting out a groan of frustration.

He idly wondered what she was doing.


New York

The music was so loud that the drinks on the table moved. People were either dancing on the dance floor or drinking.

A dark gaze followed the young woman dancing alone, surrounded by bounds of people dancing around her. He kept watching her dance, her body moving along to the beat of the music.

After a few songs passed, he watched her start to leave the bodies of people on the dancefloor and she headed outside. He stood up from the bar stool he was on and quickly followed after her.

He made sure to keep his footsteps light as they stepped outside where it led to a dark alleyway. He watched her stumbling over herself and quickly caught up to her. He slammed her against the wall, seeing the passing look of fear in her eyes. "Hi there." He slurred.

"Please, don't." She pleaded, her eyes shining as she leaned as far back into the wall as she could.

He scoffed, letting out chuckle that smelled like alcohol as he touched her cheek.

"It's okay." He assured her, licking his lips as he eyed her up and down. "You're really beautiful you know. I just thought that we could have a little fun." He suggested, trailing his hand down her neck and before he could even touch her inappropriately, his neck was snapped.

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