Chapter 41:

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"I don't like this plan one bit

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"I don't like this plan one bit."

Scott glanced at the pureblood leaning against the pillar with a shot in her hand, her gaze on the people dancing around them to the house music. "I don't either but, we really didn't have much of a choice." He said, keeping an eye on Malia and Kira. It seemed like the last three months had passed by in a blur. "We just need to get Derek and go."

She scoffed, "That's if Araya gives him back." She swallowed down the shot. Why was it that they could never catch a break? Not that she didn't enjoy the last few months, she did. She was more than happy to spend her day with Stiles. "Also, how can we be so sure that she even has him?"

"Lydia's feelings are never wrong." He reminded her, watching her grab another shot as a guy walked by with a tray filled with them. "You really shouldn't drink. There's always a chance the plan could go wrong."

"Not so optimistic anymore." She retorted teasingly and he rolled his eyes. She sighed. "I just hope that Araya takes the money so we can leave." Emily had offered to use her own money to save Derek since they obviously didn't have any. "I don't feel very comfortable being in a place with a lot hunters." She glanced around warily as she took the shot and almost choked when she saw what Kira and Malia were doing. She started laughing.

He gave her a surprised look. "What?"

She snickered. "That just made all this worth it." She pointed in the direction of the kitsune.

He followed her line of sight and blinked, watching Kira awkwardly twisting body. He winced, it was probably worse than Stiles. "Oh." Scott cleared his throat. "Not everyone is a dancer."

"Tell me about it. Stiles is a real fan of the sprinkler." She muttered, a fond smile on her lips as she thought back on the black light party. Her eyes flickered back to the girls where Kira was now swaying to the music in a more subdued manner with Malia's help. "Well at least she won't accidentally hurt someone with her dance moves now."

He chuckled. "We can't give ourselves away just yet."

Her eyes flickered to the one's walking around with radios in hand. "Well I think it's time to make our presence known." She said, nodding her head to the two guards eyeing them and the two shared a look.

It was time to take down a few hunters.


Stiles and Lydia were sitting in a dark room filled with hunters. Even though he didn't have claws or fangs, he could feel just how threatening the older woman was. Araya sneered at them. "My friends..." She sighed, her spanish accent strong. "I don't think you're aware of your poor timing. Do you know what the dark moon is?"

"The part of the lunar phase when the moon is least visible in the sky." Lydia answered her, trying to not shift uncomfortably by the amount of hunters in the room with them. They were all armed.

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