Chapter: 29

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Hazel eyes fluttered open, a groan escaping her lips as she sat up from the unfamiliar bed

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Hazel eyes fluttered open, a groan escaping her lips as she sat up from the unfamiliar bed. "What the hell happened?" Emily murmured under her breath, her vision clearing up and realized she was still in Derek's loft.

"We were attacked by demonic ninjas is what happened." Eli answered her as he walked up to her as she stood up. There was this slight stinging sensation behind her ear and reached up to touch it. "Oh, yeah, you got the same marking as the rest of us."

"Marking?" She repeated, furrowing her brows.

He hummed. "Yeah, I got one too." He showed her.

Emily saw the backwards five he had and frowned. "So what happened after I passed out?"

He sighed. "Well, everyone left and Derek left us crash here. He's heading out soon though. Apparently, he wants to keep an eye on little alpha boy since those demonic ninja were staring at him and that kitsune chick before they disappeared."

She blinked. "Kitsune chi--oh, you mean the new girl." She paused. "That actually makes sense now. The reason she didn't get electrocuted is because she's a fox. Great." She muttered sarcastically. "How could you tell anyways?"

Derek walked down the stairs, answering her question. "She's still young so she doesn't know how to hide her aura just yet."

Emily eyed him. "Do you have any idea what those things were last night?"

"No, but they were looking at Scott so I'm going to make sure he doesn't get killed." He said bluntly.

"What are you his babysitter now?" She asked, giving him a weird look. "Or is that you feel guilty?"

"For what?" He retorted.

She shrugged. "Oh, you know because you slept with the woman who nearly killed his mother, the sheriff, and Chris Argent." He stiffened slightly and she knew she was right.

Derek was quiet for a moment. "You're right but you're also wrong. Scott's always helped me even though I never deserved his help. He always does his best to save people even if they don't want saving." He stopped near the door. "It's also because of him that I'm changing. I don't want to see more people dying around me if I could help it. If it means saving a teenage boy then I'll do it and also getting my hands dirty if need be." He glanced back at her. "You're also changing and we both know why that is. It might not be for Scott but it's something." He sighed. "Make sure to lock it behind you when you leave." He left.

Emily stared at where the former alpha used to be standing and let his words sink in. Had she really changed that much? She wasn't as bloodthirsty as she was a year ago. She actually cared about the people her to a certain extent. Which said a lot about her. The number of people on her list that she cared about grew since the moment she agreed to help Derek stop the alpha.

She even fell in love again. Her number of friends grew as well as how far she would go to keep them safe.

Maybe her father was wrong. She wasn't like him. She could never be like him. There had been doubts, but what Derek said, actually made her feel better about that.

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