Chapter 33:

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Emily stared at the door in front of her

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Emily stared at the door in front of her. She reminded herself that she was doing this for her boyfriend. The same boyfriend who was possessed by an evil spirit that knocked her out with vervain. She wasn't bitter about it. Maybe a tad annoyed that Void Stiles as he liked to be called, tricked her for a split second. Glancing at the nurse behind her, she growled under her breath and walked into the room. She walked over to her new bed and plopped down on it.

She stared up at the ceiling of the mental asylum that her boyfriend happened to choose as his prison. The moment she had gotten his text, she was not only angry but also hurt that he chose to be here inside of Eichen House. Apparently, only an hour after he woke up from being infected by the lichen, he decided it was better to stay here. Which is why she decided to join him.

She had let him out of her sight for too long and she missed him. She was also worried about him.

The door creaked open slightly and she had really hoped she would be without a roommate but that obviously wasn't happening. "Whoever you are, keep your mouth shut or else we're gonna have problems." She threatened, not moving her gaze from the ceiling.

"Oh, yeah? I was about tell you the same thing." The other person retorted, their tone just as annoyed as her own.

She glanced over to see who it was and blinked, sitting up. "Malia?" She stared at the girl in confusion. Why was she here?

"Do I know-" Malia paused, staring at her, the realization at who the other brunette was evident in her brow doe-like eyes. She narrowed her eyes at the girl with a weird sickly sweet scent. "You're one of them?"

"One of who?" Emily asked, eyeing her warily, not liking the way the werecoyote hands were digging into her palms as if holding herself back from attack her.

"The people who made me like this." She gestured to her body in disgust. She hated how she was human again and the emotions that came with this body. At least as a coyote her emotions were limited.

The pureblood quickly caught on to what she was referring to. "Your human body. You know, I would think that you'd be glad to be back like this and not some wild animal." She leaned against the wall her bed was pressed against.

"Do you have any idea why I'm even here?" She snapped, not liking how nonchalant this other girl was being. "Being human is so foreign to me now! I can't even look at my own dad without being reminded that I can't tell him that I'm the one that killed my mother and sister on the night of a full moon. I want to turn back and stop feeling all this guilt."

Emily hummed, staring at her. "I see. So, you only want to turn back to stop feeling all the guilt and hurt you've been keeping at bay while in your coyote form." She muttered. "Been there, done that." It would be like her shutting her humanity off except she didn't turn into a four legged animal.

Malia blinked. "Wait, do you know how to turn me back?" She asked eagerly, getting on the girls bed and invading her space.

"I don't, but I do know someone who does." She told her, thinking of Scooby and how he would probably be the better teacher.

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