Chapter 20:

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Hazel eyes fluttered open and a groan escaped her lips as she slowly began to regain consciousness

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Hazel eyes fluttered open and a groan escaped her lips as she slowly began to regain consciousness. Emily felt her head throbbing with pain and touched her forehead and saw blood on her fingers, she grimaced. She began to remember what happened and gasped, she quickly looked over to see Stiles passed out. She listened, hearing his beating heart and exhaled in relief. She swiftly removed her seatbelt and reached over, undoing his and stared at his face.

The smell of his blood caused a slight ache in her throat and she ignored it as she softly patted his cheek. "Stiles, wake up." She urged, before biting into her wrist and pressing it to his mouth to heal any of his wounds.

She felt him reach up with his hand, pulling her wrist in closer to his mouth as his eyes fluttered open and she tried to ignore the pleasing feeling she had when he drank from her. Once he had enough, she pulled her wrist away and he sat up more alert.

"W-What happened?" He groaned, feeling the ache in his head beginning to dull. He quickly realized that he drank from her and looked at her. "You gave me your blood."

"Yeah, you were hurt so try not to die tonight." She said bluntly, sitting back in her seat.

"I'll try not to." He muttered before the two got out of the jeep and he coughed from the smoke coming from it. He grimaced at the damage to his beloved Roscoe. "Just great. How the hell are we supposed to get there now?"

"Walking obviously." She retorted, not liking the idea of walking either. It would take them a while but they were close anyway.

He gave her a look. "Yeah, no shit." He deadpanned, going to the back and pulled out his bat. "Alright let's go." He saw the weird look she gave him as she eyed the weapon in his hand and he got defensive. "We might need it."

She sighed. "I highly doubt it." After all, what damage could that bat do to supernatural creature that can just easily heal?

And with that they began their trek through the woods.


The rubble was falling all around them and Isaac began to panic as his strength had suddenly vanished. The eclipse had started and he was weak like any normal human. Allison, Melissa, Chris, and Noah all did their best to hold up the beams to keep themselves from being crushed.

Noah felt sweat dribble down his temple, his breathing harsh as he tried to do his best to not die here. He refused to leave his son an orphan and especially now that he knew about the supernatural world that he had ignored. Or rather he had been in denial. And his son had been trying to tell him and he hadn't believed him. He felt guilty for that and that's why he planned on apologizing to his son for not listening to him.

He clenched his teeth tightly, feeling the beam feeling heavier and forced himself to not let go. But, it was getting harder to keep up and just as he felt his arms begin to give out, an aluminum bat held the beam steady. He released his hold and stared at his son with Emily at his side. "I always said aluminum was better than wood." He lightly joked and felt relieved as his son hugged him and he hugged him back tightly.

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