Chapter 12:

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Chapter 12:

Chapter 12:

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Present Day:

Stiles silently stared ahead at the road, the quietness in the car deafening. His caramel orbs flickered to the driver who seemed intent on ignoring the tension in the car as she drove. He still couldn't wrap his mind around everything that he had seen in Emily's mind. The things he saw. Or rather the memories that she seemed to have kept buried. It had been hard for him to see that her dad obviously treated her like crap and sister who obviously seemed to not care about her.

Except, his mind was on Mateo. It was obvious that she had loved him and it was weird seeing her acting like a completely different person. Or actually, she was a different person than the person he knew. She wasn't meek, or overly nice to people. She had a darker sense of humor and was more crude. She enjoyed violence and bloodshed.

It was obvious that something was still missing from the memories he had seen. Whatever happened during that time, it changed her.

Once she parked the car, he got out. He still wasn't sure how to ask or how to act. After she had awoken, she seemed better and was drinking blood to get her energy back. During that time, she avoided him and had gone to shower before coming back dressed and telling him that she was driving him home.

He heard the door slam behind him. "Stiles, wait!"

He turned around, he was already standing on his front porch and watched as she walked up to him and stood in front of him. She shifted on her feet. "Yeah?" He asked hesitantly.

"I wanted to thank you for, you know, taking care of me." She muttered awkwardly, she still didn't know how to feel about him seeing those memories.

He blinked in surprise as he stared at her, he noticed her slight discomfort. "Em...." He breathed, his features softening. "You know I don't mind taking care of you. It's the least I can do for all the times you've saved me."

She looked at him, feeling her heart stutter at his expression. "You are a magnet for danger." She muttered teasingly, lessening the tension.

She expected him to look offended but instead he stared at her. "What happened with Mateo?" He asked, seeing her shift in posture as she stiffened. "Did you guys run away together?"

Emily contemplated telling him. There wasn't really a point in keeping it a secret, this would hopefully push him away.

He watched a somber look pass through her expression. "No, we didn't." Her voice tinged with sadness and what he believed to be guilt. "Eli and I didn't realize that someone was there by the stalls listening." Her voice trailed, her eyes flicking up to his as she raised her hand to his face. He let her press her fingers to his temple and he found himself drifting.


The sky had finally darkened. Emily stopped her pacing in her bedroom, her eyes flickering down to the small bag she had hidden under her bed that she prepared to take with her tonight. She quickly grabbed it and listened for any movement outside her bedroom window. She looked out to see anyone and opened it, quickly jumping out.

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