Chapter 3:

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Chapter 3:

"I thought we were going to get my car from the mechanics?" A passing look of annoyance flashed through her hazel eyes as she stared at her best friend who was currently driving

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"I thought we were going to get my car from the mechanics?" A passing look of annoyance flashed through her hazel eyes as she stared at her best friend who was currently driving.

"We are." Allison piped in from the back seat. "But, first we need to talk to Scott."

"If you're talking about those bruises on your arms, they don't mean anything." The vampire huffed in her seat, she didn't know who it was that girl had been that grabbed both her friends because she had left right after the bird incident. She hadn't really wanted to stick around.

"It's a pattern." The former huntress said. "It means something."

Lydia sighed. "You really think Scott's gonna know what it is?"

"No, but he might know someone who does."

"How are you so sure that it means anything at all?"

Allison licked her lips, recalling the look in the older girl's eyes. "Because that girl wasn't just looking for Scott. It's like she needed to find him. Like she had to. And that means something."

Emily pursed her lips, shaking her head as she stared out the window. "It better mean something." She muttered.


Stiles fumbled, looking through the drawers nervously. He swallowed thickly once he found the box of condoms. He reminded himself that he had come to the party to try to move on from Emily while Scott was going to move on from Allison. And he had the opportunity to do it with the girl he knew as a child.

Heather(his childhood friend) wanted to lose her virginity to him of all people. He had no experience whatsoever so it would be a new thing for the both of them.

But as he held the box in his hand, there was this sudden pit of guilt that he felt. He never wanted his first time to be meaningless sex like Heather seemed to want. He wanted it to be with someone who loved him as cheesy as it was. He didn't want a one night stand.

Then the reminder of Emily sleeping with Derek came to his mind and he felt his heart clench at the thought. He bit his lip, staring at the square item before tossing the box to the side and walked out of the bathroom. He began contemplating the pros and cons of this whole thing.


He looked up wide eyed at Emily who was standing in front of him with a furrowed brow look as she had a red solo cup in hand. "Emily?!" He exclaimed in surprise. Her eyes fell on the item in his hand and he was too slow to move it behind his back. He saw what he believed to be a flash of hurt pass through her gaze. "What are you doing here?"

"Allison and Lydia wanted to show Scott something and I decided to come inside and drink the free alcohol." She said, still eyeing the item he was hiding behind his back before looking at him. "Is that a condom?" Her tone blunt.

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