Chapter 54:

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Her hazel eyes were filled with mirth as she stared at his sleeping form on her bed before her eyes flickered to the time on the clock

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Her hazel eyes were filled with mirth as she stared at his sleeping form on her bed before her eyes flickered to the time on the clock. He was going to be late if she didn't wake him up in time. She strided over to the bed before climbing on top, dressed in a black long sleeve shirt dress that reached mid thighs with the sleeves rolled up slightly.

"Stiles, you have early morning practice remember?" She nudged him, getting a tired groan in response. She exhaled, rolling her eyes. "You have a game tomorrow and if you actually want me to watch the game then you kinda have to not suck. Which means that you have to go to practice."

He grumbled quietly, "I don't suck."

She huffed, her lips quirking upwards. "Then make sure you don't trip over the air." She mused, nudging him again. "Come on, Stiles. You promised we'd pass by and get some coffee before your practice."

"Five more minutes." He groaned, pulling the covers up to his chest.

She pursed her lips, eyeing him for a moment before a sly smirk made its way to her lips. She slowly pulled the covers away from him and undid the strings on his pajama pants before pulling down his boxers.




"Stiles seems a little more enthusiastic about lacrosse than usual." Lydia took a sip of the coffee that Emily bought for her as they watched the lacrosse players practice. It helped distract her from a certain deputy at the sheriff's station and what she had done last night. She had shown up at Derek's loft and let out a banshee scream that reminded them all that Derek was going to die soon.

Emily smirked, watching her sweaty boyfriend run around the field. "He didn't want to get up this morning so I might have given him a little motivation to get his cute little ass up." She said, eyeing her boyfriend.

The strawberry blondes green eyes shined with amusement as she caught on to what her best friend was talking about. "I see." She glanced in Stiles direction and eyed his lower half, tilting her head slightly. "Hm. He does have a cute butt."

"He does doesn't he." She mused, enjoying how serious Stiles look on the field and the way he licked his lips.

Lydia chuckled, noticing the lustful look on the purebloods face while she watched her boyfriend. "I wanted to thank you by the way."

Emily dragged her eyes away from Stiles form to look at the strawberry blonde next to her. "For what?" She asked, brows furrowed slightly.

"You know for what." She said, a knowing look on her face. "Buying the lake house."

"I don't know what you're talking about." She replied, glancing away to look back at the field, her ears red.

Lydia merely smiled at her friends obvious awkwardness to admit that she did something nice.

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