Chapter 17:

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Chapter 17:

The foreboding that lingered in the pit of his stomach was overwhelming the more he thought about his dad being taken

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The foreboding that lingered in the pit of his stomach was overwhelming the more he thought about his dad being taken. Stiles had felt so useless watching Jennifer— who turned out to be the Darach — take his dad from the school recital last night.

What made him even more distressed was that Melissa had also been taken from the hospital last night when they were being chased around by the alphas. That was two out of the three sacrifices needed already.

He had been trying to not think about especially since Chris had a plan apparently. It didn't help less the worry he had though especially since the man's last name was written on the elevator which was obviously a warning.

At the moment, he had just arrived at school where he planned on meeting up with Lydia in hopes that she might be able to find his dad and Melissa before it was too late. He got out of his jeep, still feeling uneasy as he headed for the front door of the school.

Only to freeze in his steps on the sidewalk when he heard his name being called and turned his head, his eyes wide when he saw her.

Emily stared at him with guilty expression and he couldn't help but feel relieved to see her. Without her around, he didn't have anyone. His dad was taken which he was trying to ignore and his best friend left with Deucalion which he was also trying to ignore. So her standing in front of him brought him some peace of mind and comfort.

"I should of been here." She blurted out, the remorse evident in her voice as she spoke.

He shook his head, not liking how she was instantly blaming herself for being around to help. "You had no way of knowing." He told her gently, not asking who told her about what happened. The only person he could guess was Lydia.

"It doesn't matter." She said, her hazel eyes staring at him. "Because I'm never leaving." He couldn't stop the flusted smile on his lips as his caramel orbs lit up at her words and was surprised by how much more softer she was. "I promise I'll help you get your dad back and kill that crazy bitch english teacher while I'm at it."

Stiles suppressed the smile that threatened to appear on his lips, she definitely hadn't gotten soft. At least her trip to wherever she went helped her in someway. "We're not killing anyone." He told her, pulling her along and felt his heart swell when he saw the bracelet still wrapped around her wrist. "We have to find Lydia who can hopefully help find my dad and Melissa."

She furrowed her brows. "I thought Lydia didn't have any control over the bodies she found?" She muttered, feeling confused as they stepped into the hallway.

He internally winced at the mention of bodies, at least she didn't say dead bodies. He had to have hope that Chris, Allison, and Isaac would find his dad and Melissa. "She doesn't but maybe she can try."

"You kissed Cora."

He halted in his steps, his body tensing as he looked back at her and saw her staring at him with a blank look. "W-What?" He stammered, he never kissed Derek's sister. "I-I mean my lips did touch hers but that was only because I was giving her CPR." He swallowed thickly.

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