Chapter 6

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Oikawa entered his room and lay on his bed. He can still smell the faint scent of Iwaizumi's shampoo on his pillow. He took the pillow and hugged it, closing his eyes and the memories of what happened last night entered his mind. He hugged the pillow tightly and sniffed it. His face turned bright red as he remembered clearly the things that they did last night. 

Oikawa let out a soft moan as he slowly touched himself. "Iwachan~" he moaned, closing his eyes and started to imagine the thing that Iwaizumi did to him. He used his other hand to rub his still sensitive nipple. He licked and bit his lips while he continued to touch himself. He turned around, putting his face on the pillow that Iwaizumi used as he slowly inserted his finger inside his own hole and started thrusting it.He thrusted his fingers inside while he continue to move his hand, moaning 'Iwa-chan'. Few minutes later, he let out a loud moan when he released his load. He dropped flat on the bed, panting. He got up and his face turned red ,feeling guilty when he saw the mess that he just made, he removed the sheets and threw it inside the washing machine before he entering his bathroom. He removed all his clothes and get into the shower. Letting the water flow down and calm his body and mind from the different thoughts that are running inside his head. 

When Iwaizumi arrived at their house, he prepared himself for another argument but when he got inside his wife greeted him with a smile.

"Good morning Hajime-chan, did you have fun last night?"

Iwaizumi gave her a peck on the lips and nodded. "I'm sorry for not coming home last night, I got really drunk." 

"It's ok, let's eat breakfast." Sanae grabbed his hand and lead him to the dining room.

They ate breakfast together, talking about different things,but Iwaizumi's mind can't focus on their topic because something is bothering him, it feels like there's something missing. 

"Honey, are you ok? Does your head still hurt from last night?  I know you're having a hangover. " Sanae said, holding Iwaizumi's hand.

Iwaizumi smiled and shook his head. "I'm fine, just a little headache." he said kissing the back of Sense's hand.

After eating and helping his wife do the dishes they both take a shower together and spent the rest of the day inside their room, cuddling with each other.

"Hello, oh. It was cancelled?  Oh... ok. No don't worry it's ok. Ok bye.Mmm yeah take care too. "

Oikawa sighed as he plopped down on his bed.  His friend just called him that their trip was cancelled. The one who invited him was one of his co-worker ,and that person have been pursuing him for almost a month now. 

Oikawa worked in one of the prestigious school in Tokyo as a PE teacher and also acts as the volleyball instructor in their school.  He enjoyed it,  teaching others how to play volleyball, coaching them to play properly just like him. And he also enjoys playing with his students. Even though he's a teacher he still receives tons of gifts, from girls, and also some of the boys, being confessed to by the both gender but he will always decline them except for this one guy, Kogane Shion. Kogane was also the one who invited him in a trip that got cancelled.

He sighed and stared at the ceiling. "What if I will give him a chance? " he said to himself.

Actually Kogane is a nice guy,  he always ask if Oikawa is ok, he can see that Kogane really cares for him. He met Kogane in the way going to the school that he's working, he was riding the train at that time because his car didn't started. While he was inside the train, as usual it's really crowded and someone decided to grope him, he was about to make a move when Kogane suddenly pushed the man away, glaring at him making the man walk away. Oikawa didn't say his thanks properly because Kogane was in a hurry. One day at the school while he was having lunch, someone sat beside him and to his shock it was Kogane, they started talking with each other.  Until one afternoon later, Kogane confessed to him asking him if he wants to go out with him. At first Oikawa ignored his confession, he also said no and that he already have someone he likes. He even shows his bad side to Kogane, but Kogane still continued in pursuing him. "I will give him a chance. " he said hugging his pillow tightly before falling asleep.

The next day Oikawa went to the school a little bit early.  Iwaizumi has sent him a message but he didn't bother on replying.  He put his briefcase above his table and started looking at the papers that are stocked on his desk. He finished checking it all and started making a lesson plan when someone arrived.

"Good morning Oikawa-san. " Kiya, alsp one of his companion greeted him with a smile.  Kiya is a very pretty lady, she teaches mathematics.  But all the guys that are in their faculty doesn't have a chance because Kiya already have a girlfriend.

Oikawa smiled back. "Good morning Kiya-chan, you're early today. " he laughed Kiya always arrived late.

Kiya rubbed her head. "I kinda want to leave home early. " she said sitting on her own chair.

"Ohh ok. That's good because you're not late today. Do that everyday ok? " He said grinning. Kiya just laughed.

Minutes later, the other teachers arrived, and one of them is Kogane. 

"Good morning everyone!  Good morning Oikawa-kun. " Kogane said with a bright smile. The other greeted him back, and the other gave him a smile. Kogane sat beside Oikawa.

"Good morning too Kogane-kun." He greeted with a smile. Kogane grinned.

"Oikawa-kun  ,I already told you to call me Shion. " He smiled.

Kogane is an art teacher. He saw some of Kogane's works anf all of them are really awesome. 

"Ok ok. I will call you Shion. "

"Yey, I like that. "

Oikawa chuckled and both of them focused on their paperworks.  When the bell rang all of them went to their respective rooms. But before going to his own homeroom. Oikawa stopped Kogane.

"Shion-kun... Wanna eat lunch together? "

Kogane blinked. "Sure! "

Oikawa smiled. "Then I'll meet you at the cafeteria later. " he said. "I---I also have something to tell you." He added before quickly going out. You still have a few more hours to think about this Oikawa. Once you gave him the answer there is no going back.



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