Chapter 20

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Oh my god. Did we? did I  do it with Ushijima?! Oh my god I can't believe this. I messed up again. I never learn . 

Oikawa panicked. 

I need to go before he wakes up.

He was about to get up when he heard Ushijima talk. 

"Good morning Oikawa." Ushijima greeted and sat up, rubbing his head. He yawned. 

"G-Good morning too." He stuttered. 

"Oh right wait here." Ushijima got down from the bed. 

"Wait. Did, did something happened last night?" He whispered but Ushijima still managed to hear it. Ushijima chuckled. "Why are you laughing!" Oikawa glared at him, but his face is already red.

Ushijima ruffled Oikawa's hair. "So you don't remember what happened last night huh." 

"So did something really happened?" He looked down. 

"Nah, don't worry Tooru nothing happened." Ushijima smiled. 

Oikawa quickly look at him. "Nothing?" 

"Well almost." Ushijima rubbed the his nape.  "But then when we're in the room you started throwing up. So of course we stopped, I needed to change the sheets and also to clean you because you're a mess last night, how many cans did you even drink last night?" He asked with his arms crossed. "And if you're asking why your body hurts, you fell on the floor. I was trying to put clothes on you but you keep on moving until both of us fell. That's why I only managed to put you on some boxers." 

Oikawa's face lit up and he quickly hid under the blanket. I am so relieved that nothing happened but that was so embarrassing, I threw up last night . Oh my god.  He sobbed.

Ushijima sat beside Oikawa and tapped his shoulder. "Hey don't worry it's okay. Don't cry please, I don't want to see you cry again." 

Oikawa stopped and wiped his face. Right I was crying last night.  "I'm sorry for being a mess last night." He said as he sat up. 

"No worries. Starting today if you have problems, you can talk to me." Ushijima smiled and hold Oikawa's hand. " I'm always here for you." He said kissing the back of Oikawa's hand. "Forget him, he only caused you pain. I will never hurt you Oikawa. " he said. 

Oikawa looked at him. "I'm sorry but--"

"It's okay, you don't have to give me your answer today. But let me at least be with you, I will try my best to remove the pain in your heart." He smiled again before getting up. "I will prepare breakfast, your clothes are in the bathroom, I already washed them last night, come after you finish changing." 


When Iwaizumi woke up the first thing that he did was to call Matsukawa. He asked him if they know something about the paper hearts that he received during high school but they said that they don't have any idea who's giving the paper heart. 

"Well, I just happened to found out who gave me those letters." 

"Who?" Matsukawa and Hanamaki both asked. 

"You know, I am so stupid and I want to throw myself outside."

"We already know that one."

"Shut up."

"So who gave you those letters?" 



"Yes." Iwaizumi let out a loud sigh. "It was Oikawa all the time! and the stupid me, did not notice it! There are signs and I'm just so dumb." 

"It was Oikawa huh." On the other side of the line Matsukawa and Hanamaki looked at each other before laughing. "Oh my god." they both said between their laughs.

"Stop laughing!" Iwaizumi groaned. 

"So now that you already know who, what are you going to do?" Matsukawa asked. 

"I really need to talk to him."

"But you don't know where is Oikawa now."

"He's in Miyagi." Iwaizumi said and the other line fell silent. "He's in Miyagi right?" 


"We'll sir, if you told me since day one it would not be six months." 

"You're right, but we promised to Oikawa. So we're really happy that you finally realized everything! even though it took you six months."Hanamaki laughed again. 

"It's six months now Iwaizumi, do you think he still loves you?Do you think he doesn't have someone now?" Matsukawa suddenly asked.

"I already made up my mind Matsukawa, I will do anything so that he will forgive me. I will do anything to get him back." Iwaizumi said with confidence. 

"Goodluck Iwaizumi." Matsukawa said. "I'm happy that you finally realized it after six months." 

"Yeah, I'm so late but yes, I finally realized it and I'm ready to get him back." They talked for another minute about the letters before ending the call. 

Iwaizumi laid back on his bed for a minute before jumping up. "I need to go now." He said with a smile as he prepared his things and also his self to see Oikawa again. He missed him and he want to see him after all the realizations that he had. 

He was planning to retire but no, he worked hard for this so instead of retiring as a police he filed for leave. After finishing his papers he hit the rode towards Miyagi.

As Iwaizumi drove he keeps on thinking about how he will approach Oikawa. Will he go and talk to him the moment he arrive? Will he just go and check on him first? Will Oikawa give him the chance to talk to him? Will Oikawa forgive him? Does he still love him? 

His confidence earlier dropped and now he's full of questions and doubts about the decisions that he made. To clear his mind he started listening to songs, the playlist was made by Oikawa and its his favorite playlist. He called his mom and told her that he will be having a vacation there. He smiled the moment he heard his mom's voice, he missed it so much and he can't wait to get home and see her again and also Oikawa. 

"Hey mom." 

"Yes son?"

"When I get home I want to talk to you and to dad. It's very important."

There was silence for a second before her mom answered. "Sure son, take care on your trip see you later.I love you."

Iwaizumi smiled. "Thank you mom,and, I love you too." he said before ending the call. 

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