Chapter 24

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"Hey, remember the question I asked you when we went to that one cafe? " Takeru suddenly asked. 

He is currently at his uncle's house, he wants to know if Oikawa still have feelings for Iwaizumi.

"Yes,  why? " Oikawa looked at his nephew. 

"Tell me Oikawa-san,  do you still have feelings for Iwaizumi-san? " Takeru asked in a serious tone.

There was a long silence between them.

"Do you still want to give him a chance? " Takeru asked.  "Do you still love him Oikawa-san? "

"I loved him since we were little you know. Of course I still love him untli now, but loving him hurts." Oikawa said.

Takeru smiled at his uncle's answer. "That's already enough, at least you still love him right?"

"Wait why are you even asking me that question?" Oikawa asked, confuse on his nephew's questions.

Takeru shook his head and smiled. "I'm just curious since you didn't answered my question last time."

Oikawa laughed . " Well, excuse me sir, you suddenly left me inside the cafe because you saw a girl. Who was that by the way?  Was she your girlfriend?"

Takeru's face instantly became red when Oikawa asked making his uncle laugh again. "So you do have a girlfriend. Since when?" 

"Sh-she's still not my girlfriend Oikawa-san, and this is not about me, it's about you." Takeru stuttered. 

Oikawa laughed again. "Okay. Are you going to sleep here or do I need to walk you to your house?" 

"No need, I can go home alone. Thank you Oikawa-san! Thanks for the cookies too." Takeru smiled as he left the house. 

Takeru decided to drop by the convenience store to buy some drinks when he saw Iwaizumi. 

"Iwaizumi-san, good evening." He greeted with a bow.

"Good evening Takeru , what are you doing? it's already late.Are you alone? I'll walk you home."

Takeru chuckled. "It's okay Iwaizumi-san." He said. "Ahh by the way , I'm gonna help you with my uncle."

Iwaizumi looked at him, shocked." Really?!"

"Yes.  I am still mad at you for hurting him, but I will give you a chance. If you mess this up, I will not help you anymore."

"Thank you Takeru." Iwaizumi smiled and pulled Takeru into a tight hug.

Takeru and Iwaizumi exchanged numbers before saying goodbye.

The next day, Takeru and Iwaizumi met Iwaizumi gave him a paper heart. 

"Origami?" Takeru asked, confused. 

Iwaizumi nodded. "If he asked, don't tell that it was me." 

Takeru nodded, even though he is still confused on why Iwaizumi would give Oikawa a heart origami instead of meeting with him personally and talking to him about the matter. Sometimes he never understand grown ups. It's better to talk personally than doing this, they're like high school students. He thought and shook his head as he walk the hallway.When he saw his uncle he ran towards him and stopped him.

"Oikawa-san someone asked me to give this to you." He said putting the origami above Oikawa's folders and ran, to  avoid being questioned. 

For the following days Oikawa keeps on receiving paper hearts from Takeru, if he would ask his nephew he would only say 'someone asked me to give it to you.I don't even know him.' So he just kept the paper hearts inside his drawer.

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