Chapter 26

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The ringing stopped. Oikawa let out a sigh, then it started ringing again and it's still Ushijima. After few more rings he answered. 

"Hello Ushi-chan."

"Oikawa are you busy?"

"Hmm why?"

"I want to see you, I really miss you Oikawa.Is it okay?"

"I'm sorry but I already have plans for tonight Ushiwaka-chan."


"Hello? Ushi-chan you still there?"

"Then, tomorrow can we meet?"

Oikawa's heart clenched from Ushijima's way of asking. 

"Y-yes, sure, we can meet tomorrow." 

"Okay, see you tomorrow Oikawa, I'm going to pick you up in your place."

Before he can answer the call already ended. 

"Ohh, I need to go now." He said picking up his car keys. He looked at the mirror for the last time before leaving his room.

As he drove his car towards their meeting place he thought of different things that he will do once they see each other again. He parked his car and got out,he walked towards the empty plaza but the moment he saw the man that he loved since his childhood days,his mind suddenly blanked out, his eyes started tearing up, he want to run away but his legs wont move so he just stood there, staring at Iwaizumi. Iwaizumi walked towards Oikawa, at first he hesitated to hold him but when he saw the tears on Oikawa's face he immediately pulled him into a tight hug. Six months, six months without seeing each other, without being able to hold him  finally ended. Now that the most precious and most important person is finally in his arms, he is not planning to let go of him anymore. Oikawa buried his face on Iwaizumi's shoulder as he cried, his hold on Iwaizumi tightened. 

Both of them stayed in the same position for almost thirty minutes and when Oikawa finally stopped crying Iwaizumi led him to the bench and helped him sit. He quickly brought a water for Oikawa and gave it to him. They sat on the bench,quietly, no one dared to speak all they can hear is the rustling of the tree leaves and the crickets. Iwaizumi saw Oikawa licked his lips and it took him all the self control to not pull Oikawa and kiss him right here and now. He quickly looked away when Oikawa noticed him staring.  Oikawa cleared his throat and slightly moved closer. Iwaizumi took a deep breathe and finally broke the silence between them, he moved closer, took Oikawa's hands and holds it, intertwining their fingers together. He smiled as he played with Oikawa's hands. 

"I miss this." He whispered and looked at Oikawa. "Oikawa, I'm sorry for not noticing your feeling sooner and ended up hurting you. I'm sorry for making your life miserable and for making you cry. I'm sorry for being a dense asshole." He said holding Oikawa's chin making him look to him. "I hate myself because I hurt you so much. I regret it every single day. Now I'm here, asking you to give me a a chance to redeem myself , a chance to prove that this feelings that I felt towards you are real." he said softly. "Please?"

Oikawa softly smiled and gave Iwaizumi's hand a squeeze. "You know, when we're in high school I never expected to fall in love with you. The moment I realized that I love you I got scared. Scared because I know it's not normal, scared because I know you will never feel the same. So I tried my best to ignore this feelings, I even tried dating girls but nothing happened. You're still the person that my heart is longing for. So I accepted the fact that this heart will beat for only one person named, Iwaizumi Hajime." He chuckled. " So I started making those paper heart and secretly put it inside your locker, hoping that you would notice the person behind it is me." he paused. "But I guess you're really dumb because you did not notice it." he glared. "Then we graduated high school, entered different universities and had our own lives. But my feelings and longing for you still remained. One day I got the courage to tell you about my feelings but it was too late, because you introduced your girlfriend to me.That time my whole world crumbled in front of my eyes. It hurts so much seeing you smile because of someone else, because that should be me you know, that should be me making you happy . " tears start to flow down Oikawa's cheeks and Iwaizumi quickly wiped it but Oikawa stopped him. "Waking up everyday was hard for me knowing that someone already have you. So again, I tried my best to make my feelings for you disappear and dated Shion-kun, I liked his company but it's still different because someone is already inside my heart and I realized that I'm hurting him so I let him go and once again I'm alone. Then our fight happened." He looked at Iwaizumi. "Do you know that night really hurts?" Oikawa sobbed. 

All Iwaizumi can do is look at him  and hold his hand. Hundreds of thorns pierced his heart as he listen to Oikawa,knowing that all of these are his doings. 

"I almost gave up from my life, almost, because everything already hurts." He wiped his own tears. "While reading your letter the pain I felt came back ,I thought I will hate you because of what you did to me. But, the moment I saw you everything suddenly disappeared. Do you know why I started crying earlier?" He paused. 

"Because you're mad at me." Iwaizumi answered.

Oikawa looked at him and chuckled softly. "No,I cried because I realized that until now, even though you hurt me. This heart still loves you. " he said pointing at his own heart. "When I saw you , I realized how much I missed you. When you hugged me it felt so good , and I realized that my heart finally found its home." He smiled and hugged Iwaizumi. 

"Does, does that mean you're giving me another chance?" 

Oikawa grinned and nodded. "Yes, I'm willing to risk everything and give you another chance." 

Iwaizumi grinned and pulled Oikawa into another tight hug. "I'm so happy." He said . "Thank you so much Oikawa. " he whispered and buried his face on Oikawa's shoulder. This time he's the one who's crying. 

Oikawa smiled and rubbed Iwaizumi's back. 

Little did they know , while they're hugging someone in the shadows is watching them. While they're happy , someone's heart is crying from  the pain.  He glanced once again at the bench where Oikawa and Iwaizumi are sitting, all happy and laughing. He tightened his grip on the steering wheel until his knuckles turned white, after a few minutes of staring he decided to drive his way to the cafe. He went inside his office and shouted, punching the wall, throwing the folders around. He then found a bottle of wine , he took it and decided to drink , and since he's alone and the wine is pretty strong he immediately got drunk and when he noticed that it's already empty he threw the bottle across the room and it shattered. He heard his phone ring and without looking at the caller's name he answered.


He heard someone chuckled from the other line. "Sorry but this is not Oikawa, so are you coming home today Wakatoshi-kun?"

"Hmm.. I dunno."

There was silence, Tendou noticed something was wrongh. After a few seconds Tendou replied. "Where are you?"


"Wakatoshi are you drunk? where are you?"

"Cafe? Yes, I'm at the cafe . In my office. I'm planning to go now."

"No. I'm going there, stay put. Don't you dare leave."

No response.


"mkay. not leaving."


Tendou ended the call and quickly went to Ushijima's cafe.When Tendou arrived at the cafe he used the backdoor and went directly inside Ushijima's office. When he got inside he saw the folders are scattered on the floor, broken bottle of wine, his office is a mess and Ushijima's knuckles are bleeding. 

"Wakatoshi , what the heck." He immediately took his handkerchief and wiped the blood on Ushijima's hands, his hands are bleeding from too much punching the wall. 

"I was there for him you know." Ushijima started talking. This is the first time that Tendou saw Ushijima act like this. Cry like this. He looked so hurt and devastated. 

He wiped the tears on Ushijima's face and hushed him. " Wakatoshi, we need to go to the hospital okay? Your hands keeps on bleeding." He said gently. 

Ushijima shook his head. "No. It doesn't hurt."

"Because you're drunk. But once the alcohol's effect disappears and you're all sober you will feel it." He said. "So please, let's go? "

Ushijima looked at Tendou's eyes and nodded.

Tendou drove him to the hospital and after that he drove home. Ushijima's already sleeping and he used all his strength to carry  Ushijima inside and put him in bed. He sighed and caressed Ushijima's cheeks, strain of tears are still visible on his face. 

"You will get through with this. I'm here for you." He whispered. 

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