Chapter 13

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After what happened that night at the park, Iwaizumi kept himself busy at work, he would stay at the office and ended up sleeping there or he will come home late or drunk. Sanae noticed the changes in his husband's attitude. 

Right now Iwaizumi is currently at the bar that is owned by Kunimi. He usually goes there every time he wants to be alone and just want to take a break and drink. Iwaizumi still can't believe the things that Oikawa said to him. His words keeps on playing in his mind just like a broken record and those words triggered something inside him. All his confusions from the start until the night at the beach was answered. He also have feelings for Oikawa. He have feelings for his bestfriend. NO. IT CAN'T BE. I can't have feelings for him, I already have a wife.  Then why did it hurt seeing him with another guy, why did he came to your mind the night you made love with your wife. 

His mind is a mess.

He played at the can of beer he's holding and looked at it. It's his favorite beer. "Hmm, Oikawa bought this too when I was at his place, the lovers was also there, we ate hot pot and then the two love birds started flirting at each other...." he said and looked at Kunimi grinning and Kunimi just shook his head laughing. 

"Well, Oikawa-san knew that you like that beer." Kunimi said. "I bet you also got really wasted that night and did something stupid." he laughed since he already saw drunk Iwaizumi.  

Iwaizumi chuckled. "Yeah you're right, I got really wasted and then I...." his head suddenly throbbed and memories from that night he got drunk at Oikawa's place flashed back.  

Hot pot, drinking, Matsukawa and Hanamaki started flirting in front of us, they went inside Oikawa's room and then left us two alone at the living room...and-- 

"Hey..." he whispered. I kissed Oikawa. Something happened between us that night.  

He looked at Kunimi. "Iwaizumi-san are you ok? You're getting pale." Kunimi said with a worried tone. 

"I....just suddenly remembered something." He said, holding his head. "Damn, my head suddenly hurts."

Kunimi took the canned beer. "Ok, that's enough , wait here I'll get some water."

Iwaizumi nodded. He now clearly remembered the things he did to Oikawa that night. How he touched the other male, how he kissed him, and how Oikawa returned the kiss and beg him for his touch and the I love you's that they said to each other.  What have I done. 

After convincing Kunimi that it's ok for him to get home, he finally parked the car and went inside and there he saw his wife, sitting at the couch with her arms crossed. He glanced at the clock, it's already past midnight. 

"Why are you still awake?" He asked removing his suit and loosening his tie. 

"Why are you late,again?" Sanae countered. 

Iwaizumi sighed. "I already messaged you that I'm going to be late." 

"You went out. You're drunk, you've been like that for these past days. What's happening?" She asked, glaring at him. 

"Nothing. I'm just busy with my job, and I'm tired let's talk tomorrow, I want to sleep." He said and hugged her. "Let's sleep." 

Right now, he just want a tight hug from someone. Sanae sighed and hugged him tightly. "Hey, if you have a problem tell me, I'm your wife." she smiled kissing him. 

Iwaizumi just smiled I'm sorry, I can't tell you this one Sanae. "Let's go sleep." While he laid there,facing the wall. He closed his eyes. I must forget about this feelings , I already have Sanae and Oikawa already have someone he loves. It's too late. I must,forget, feelings for him. He thought before falling asleep. 

While he was asleep, he dreamed about Oikawa.


"WHAT?!" Hanamaki shouted.

"Shh! shh! oh my god." Oikawa looked at the people that are also looking at their table and bowed. Oikawa met with Hanamaki at a cafe, he decided to tell him everything that happened from the night at his place until the day he broke up with Kogane. He really need to tell someone, he can't do this alone, he can't handle all the emotions. 

"So let me have a recap about the things you just said ok?" Hanamaki sighed. "Ok, that night at your place where we ate hot pot , something happened between you two and Iwaizumi didn't remember anything the next day, you're going out with that Kogane guy, Iwaizumi saw you kissing him and had a fight and ended up confessing to him, then you broke up with Kogane." He said, his hands are clasp together. 

Oikawa nodded. 

Hanamaki took a deep breath trying to let all the news sunk into his mind. 

"And..." Oikawa paused, bracing himself because he knew that he will receive another shout from Hanamaki.

"And what?" Hanamaki looked at him.

"I....resigned in my job..." Oikawa whispered but Hanamaki managed to hear it.

"HA?! YOU WHAT?!" Hanamaki shouted and it made Oikawa flinched at his seat, he took another deep breath. Calm down Hanamaki Calm down. "Ok any other thing you want to say to me?" he said once he calmed down. Oikawa shook his head.  

"I resigned because I really need to go somewhere, to let this wound heal. It's too much, I can't move on if I always see Iwa-chan and it would be too awkward and difficult for me to see Kogane everyday after what I did to him." Oikawa explained. "I hope you understand me Makki-chan." 

Hanamaki run his fingers through his pinkish brown hair and sighed. "It's not like I can stop you right? " he said and smiled, he reached and ruffled Oikawa's hair.  "If it will make you happy I'll support you, have you told Iwaizumi about this? "

Oikawa shook his head. "I don't want to tell him and please just keep this between us. I don't want him to know. "

Hanamaki nodded. "Where are you going then? "

"I'll go back to Miyagi, guess I'll visit mom and help her for awhile. I haven't visited her for a long time. And after that I'm planning to apply for a school in Kyoto. "

"Kyoto?!  That's.... That's so far.... " Hanamaki said. "From Miyagi and then you'll go to Kyoto? That's so far Oikawa. What about in Akita? Try applying there. "

Oikawa looked at him and sighed. "I'll think about it. " He smiled. 

They continued to talk and after another hour they decided to go home.

"Hanamaki thank you so much for listening. " Oikawa said with a smile and hugged him.

"No problem, even though it stressed me out. " He laughed . "If anything happens call or message me. " he said and both of them went to the car park since they both brought their own cars.

When Oikawa arrived at his place, he started packing up his things. He looked at his phone and there are messages coming from Iwaizumi and Kogane,he picked his phone up but put it down again and decided to ignore the messages. It was already past eleven when he finished packing up his things.  He decided to take a hot shower before going to sleep. 

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