Chapter 17

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Sanae pulled Iwaizumi inside the cinema after they bought snacks. 

"They said this movie is awesome." she whispered when they finally settled down. The movie started ,she glanced at Iwaizumi who is also watching the movie and smiled. 

Hours passed and they went out. 

"That was the most terrible movie that I saw in my entire life." Iwaizumi said. "Who the hell told you to watch that?"

"My co-worker." Sanae groaned. 

The entire date was just Sanae pulling Iwaizumi inside different stalls and eating random snacks. Iwaizumi enjoyed it though. 

 Its already night when they arrived at their house. When they got inside Sanae tried to kiss Iwaizumi but then she stopped and gave Iwaizumi a small smile. Iwaizumi looked at her, confused on why she did not continued the kiss. Iwaizumi looked at Sanae, he  can see pain through her eyes as she moved away from him. Sanae stood at the dim part of the room so that Iwaizumi can't see her face.

" I knew it. " She said. "Its already gone huh."

"What do you mean Sanae?"  Iwaizumi asked, confused. 

"Oh come on Hajime . I know that you know what I mean. "  She sighed. "I... I know that you already found someone else." 

That statement made Iwaizumi look at her. He opened his mouth to talk but Sanae raised her hand. 

"I'm correct right? I know that you already realized your feelings for Oikawa-san. It hurts, it really hurts. But I can't do anything, I don't want to cause more troubles for you and for Oikawa-san . If I keep you in this marriage it will still be useless, right?" She smiled but tears are streaming down her face. " I'm letting you go Hajime-kun." 

Iwaizumi was shocked when he heard what Sanae said. "What do you mean?"

"Come on Hajime-kun,please don't make this hard for me." She wiped her tears. 

"I'm letting you go, I already took the papers all we need to do is to sign them." She bit the inside of her cheeks. "Even if we keep this we can't work it out because I know you already found him." 

"I'm sorry for putting you in this mess and for hurting you Sanae." Iwaizumi apologized. "I didn't mean to hurt you like that but, I can't stop myself.I should have ignored it at the beginning but I failed."

Sanae shook her head . "No, don't be sorry Hajime-kun, I already accepted it. I can't tell your heart to keep on loving me,right?"

Iwaizumi reached out for her and gave her a hug. A tight hug and that caused for Sanae to break down. She started crying loudly as she hugged him. Yes ,she did choose to let Iwaizumi go but it hurts. She loved him all her life.  Iwazumi let her cry on his shoulder and they stayed like that until Sanae stopped crying. 

"I'm sorry for letting you feel this way. I'm so sorry Sanae, I'm so sorry Sanae." Iwaizumi said while he hugged her . Those are the only words he can say to her. He keeps on repeating his apology.

Sanae took the brown envelope and gave it to Iwaizumi ,they signed the papers. He can still hear Sanae's sobs. 

Iwaizumi tightened his grip on his pen.

"If you're having second thoughts about signing it because you're guilty and  worried about me. Don't. Sign it. I already made up my mind Hajime, and I know you also want this. " Sanae said.

Iwaizumi doesn't have a choice. She was right. Also Sanae sounds so serious. So he stared at the paper for a second before signing it.

After signing and putting it back inside the envelope Sanae smiled.

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