Chapter 25

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"Oikawa... I like you."

"cle...Uncle! Oikawa-san!" 

Oikawa slowly opened his eyes and when it already adjusted from the lights he looked at his side and saw Takeru.

Takeru sighed. "What happened to you?" 

"Sensei are you okay?  you suddenly started crying and then you passed out. We were so worried." His co-teacher said.

Oh right I started crying.

Oikawa slowly sat up holding his forehead. "I'm really sorry for worrying you guys. Maybe I don't have enough sleep that's why I collapsed." He said getting back on his usual personality.

"Uncle, they said you cried. Why?" 

Oikawa simply shook his head as he got down from the bed. "I'm really sorry for worrying you. I need to go now, I still have a class." he said, and walked out from the clinic. He took his things and went to his classroom.

"Sensei are you are you sure its okay for you to teach now?"

"Sensei you don't look so good. You should rest."

"Yes, sensei, just leave us some homework to do and you should rest."

Hearing what the third student said, Oikawa chuckled. "I'm fine guys.Thank you for your care. I know my students loves me so much." he said and winked. 

Even though he's still not feeling well he still managed to finish his class. There are times that his student will interrupt him because he wrote the spelling wrong. After dismissing them and once he was already alone inside the classroom, he sat on his chair and covered his face with his palm.

"I haven't had that dream for a long time." He said groaning. "Iwa-chan why are you doing this to me." he let another groan when he noticed his phone vibrates. He looked at it and it was Ushijima calling. Ahh I haven't talked to him for a week. 


"Oikawa how are you?"

"I'm fine, how about you? "

There's a short silence. 


"I miss you."

Oikawa blinked. 

"Oikawa, I miss you so much, I want to see you." 

"Ushijima...." No ,stop,please. I can't return your feelings Ushiwaka-chan, I don't want to hurt you. 

"I need to hang up now the meeting is about to start. Call you later, Take care Oikawa. I love you."

The last three words Oikawa heard shocked him. He run his fingers through his hair. "Why is this happening to me." he groaned.


"He what?!"

"He collapsed."

"Why? when?"

"When he saw your letters, he already knew that you're back. Maybe it's because of too much emotions...." Takeru said through the phone. 

Iwaizumi frowned. 

"Iwaizumi-san gotta hang up now our teacher is here."

"Okay. Thank you for telling me." 

Iwaizumi looked at his hands before covering his face. "Are my decisions wrong?" he whispered to himself. 

"I wonder if he will go and meet me tomorrow." 

The next day Iwaizumi woke up early even though he stated on his letter that they will meet at night, but honestly he did not get any proper sleep last night because he was so anxious about today's meet up,if, Oikawa will come. He sat on his bed, staring blankly on his wall. He said that he will accept everything what Oikawa will say to him but now he's scared. 

"Ahh be a man Iwaizumi!" he slapped his face. "Takeru said that you still have a tiny chance,so hold onto that chance." 

Meanwhile inside Oikawa's room.

Oikawa stared at his ceiling , he woke up earlier than he thought since he slept late last night thinking about the things that happened the other day and deciding whether he will meet up with Iwaizumi or not he ended up sleeping at 3 am. 

"So I will meet with him, and talk to him..." He paused. "....and maybe give him a chance to redeem himself?" 

The question is, am I ready to face him later. Am I ready to talk to him without breaking down? Only thing Im sure is that, I don't want to go easy on him.

He heard a knock and his door opened revealing his mom.  

"Good morning son, breakfast is ready, come eat with me." He heard his mother said.

"Good morning mom." He said with a smile and got up. 

He saw opposite to his mom and looked at her. 

"What's wrong ?" His mom asked. 

"Mom, Iwa-chan is here." He said and saw his mom stopped eating. "Don't worry mom , nothing happened." he said when he noticed the worried look on his mother's face. 

She reached out and held his hand. "Son, I know you. So tell me what did he do this time?" 

Oikawa smiled "He sent me paper hearts, and also milk bread." he chuckled, "Also asked me to meet him later."

She looked at his son. "Why?"

"He said, we will talk, he wants to talk to me asking me to give him a chance.." 

"Do you want to?"

"What do you mean mom?"

"Do you want to give him a chance?"

Oikawa was silent for a minute. 

His mom went and sat on the chair beside him. "Son, if deep inside ...." she said pointing at his son's heart. " you still love him , try giving him a chance. Maybe everything will work out if you try. Also , I know you're scared, but it's better to take a risk and try it." she said and smiled. 

" Iwaizumi is a nice guy, I saw him grew up , I saw how he takes care of you, so if you ask me I'm giving him the chance. But it's still your decision if you want to or not." 

Oikawa spent the whole day inside his own room. Still thinking about whether he will give Iwaizumi a chance or not. His mom knew him well, she knew that even though Iwaizumi hurt him so much, he still care and love him. But the only thing that's stopping him are the what ifs, what if he will get hurt again? what if Iwaizumi is confused? What if it will not work? but then he remembered what his mom said earlier. 

"I will give him a chance." He said to himself as he hold the paper hearts  that Iwaizumi gave him. 

He looked at his clock, two hours left before their meeting time. He got up and scanned through his closet. He started trying different pair of clothes , until his entire room got messy. 

"Why the heck am I dressing up for that stupid guy." he said after fitting the sixth pair of outfit that he choose. "This one's okay." he said and smiled. He is a wearing a gray button down shirt and paired it with his jeans also with his favorite shoes. "It looks simple, but it's okay , I'm still handsome."

After fixing his clothes back inside his closet and after fixing his hair, he sat on his bed once again, he still have time. He got startled when his phone rang and when he looked at the caller ID it was Ushijima. He completely forgot about him. He stared at his phone screen but for an unknown reason he's scared to answer the call. He knew Ushijima liked him and that Ushijima is waiting for his answer. 

What do I do. I don't want to hurt him. 

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