Chapter 7

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"Sensei....Hey Sensei." Oikawa's student called him.

Oikawa blinked. "Oh yes, I'm sorry. Where were we? "

"You're explaining about our project." The other student said. "Sensei are you ok? " they asked. "You've been spacing out since we started our class. "

Oikawa smiled. "Yes, I'm sorry for spacing out. " he said and then continued to explain the project that his students are going to make.


Iwaizumi fixed his things inside his bag.

"Here let me help you. " Sanae said as she button Iwaizumi's uniform."We're really going back to work huh. " she pouted.

Iwaizumi chuckled. "Don't pout like that. We've been gone for one month. We need to get back or else we won't have money to buy for something. " he buckled up his belt. "Thanks honey. " he said when Sanae finished fixing his uniform and gave her a kiss. "Message me when you arrive in your office ok? " He smiled and stepped out.

Iwaizumi's work place is a one hour drive away from their house. But Iwaizumi just drove it for 30 minutes. He parked his car at the parking lot and fixed his polo before stepping out. Iwaizumi worked as a senior police officer in one of the police station in Tokyo.

"Oh look who's back! " One of his subordinate said and put his arm around Iwaizumi. "Welcome back Officer Iwaizumi. How's your honeymoon huh did you enjoy it? " The guy said wiggling his eyebrows.

Iwaizumi chuckled. "Of course I enjoyed it. " he said as he changed into his uniform. Then suddenly someone hugged him . "Iwaizumi-kun!! I miss you! "

"Aw I miss you too Hitori-san. Now if you would let go of me because I'm going to change in my uniform. " Iwaizumi said and smiled.

Hitori, also one of his subordinate let go of him. Kino the first guy who greeted him chuckled. " Hitori-san, have you passed your report? "

Hitori gasped. "Shit, I forgot. Iwaizumi-kun gotta go, Kino-kun thanks for reminding me. " he said waving his hand as he quickly walk towards his table.

Iwaizumi fixed the badge on his chest. "Report about what? " he asked.

"There's some robbery that happened." Kino said.

"Oh, did you catch the suspect? "

Kino sighed nodding. "It was kinda difficult though, the suspect had a gun with him. Shinohara-kun was almost shot, thank god the suspect missed. "

Iwaizumi blinked. "Oh, where's Shinohara-kun? " He asked looking around.

"He's also making his report. "

Iwaizumi nodded. " Guess I need to go and check my paperworks to huh. "

Kino laughed. "Oh boy you really should! Look." he pointed at Iwaizumi's desk "It already piled up. And there are also editing to be done."

Iwaizumi sighed and rubbed his head. "Well I'm gone for a month, guess this is ok. " he said walking towards his desk. He scanned the paperworks that are piled on his desk and proceed to read them. 

When he graduated in University he decided to enter Metropolitan Police Academy. He talked to Sanae about this but it caused a major argument between them that it came to the point where they almost broke up again.Even with their fight he's still determined to enter the academy, - actually he's not even sure why he really wants to get in the police force -  before he started his training he went to see Sanae,  they talked and he really thought that it would be over between them but Sanae suddenly hugged him and said she's ok with Iwaizumi getting the job. Since he's already a University graduate his required training months to complete is only six months. Sanae together with Oikawa sent him off. 

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