Chapter 9

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Oikawa turned around and nuzzled closer to the man who is laying beside him.  Kogane smiled and wrapped his arms protectively around Oikawa who was sleeping. Ahh , he's really cute when he sleeps. They have been dating for 1 month now and they managed to hide their relationship. Oikawa was currently spending the weekend at Kogane's apartment and after finishing their  lunch they decided to stay in bed. When Oikawa's phone vibrated for the fifth time, he got so curious and can't stop himself to read the messages. It came from one person.

Iwaizumi.... Oikawa's childhood friend.

From: Iwaizumi
  Oikawa how are you?   Are you ok?  Don't forget to eat ok.

Kogane remembered the stare that he received from Iwaizumi when they bumped into each other at the supermarket last week. He was buying groceries together with Oikawa when they saw each other. He noticed how Oikawa reacted in front of the other man, he noticed how shocked Oikawa was when he saw Iwaizumi , he noticed how Oikawa's cheeks blushed when Iwaizumi patted his head and how he smiled while talking at the other man and he also noticed how  that smile disappeared in an instant when he heard a female voice calling the name of his childhood friend. 

Was Iwaizumi the reason why you rejected me at first? 

He looked at the male who is sleeping soundly beside him, running his hand to Oikawa's hair. He was about to send a reply when Oikawa moved so he just put the phone down and get back on cuddling his boyfriend. 

"Mm, Shion-kun did I fell asleep? " Oikawa mumbled.

Kogane nodded with a smile. " You can still sleep though, if you want." he said. 

Oikawa shook his head and moved closer. Shion run his thumb on Oikawa's lips, he smiled and kissed him, closing the gap that's between them.


Sanae just finished washing the dishes when he saw her husband sitting on the couch holding his phone. She sighed and dried her hands and sat beside him, her hand resting on Iwaizumi's lap. 

"Dear, tomorrow's your day off right?" she asked, slowly rubbing Iwaizumi's lap. 

Iwaizumi smiled and nodded. "Yes, but it's only for tomorrow and then back to work again." he said running his hand through his dark hair. 

Sanae leaned and rested her head on Iwaizumi's shoulder. They have been in a relationship for 3 years now. They broke up two times during their relationship and get back again and now they're already married. 

She blinked when Iwaizumi continued to scroll down on his phone. She sighed leaning up and gave him kisses on his jaw while her hand continued to caress his lap. After a few minutes later Iwaizumi set his phone down and kissed Sanae. Pulling her up and letting her sit on his lap .  She was about to took off Iwaizumi's shirt when someone suddenly rang the bell. 

Iwaizumi stopped the kiss. "Honey ignore it." Sanae said and kissed him again, he tried to ignore the bell but it didn't stop. "Iwaizumi?" Matsukawa said from the other side of the door. He also heard whispers seems like it's Hanamaki. "I'm sorry wait here." Iwaizumi said. Sanae looked at him annoyed and proceed to the kitchen. He fixed himself before opening the door.


"Hey." Both of them said.  "How are you? we haven't seen each other for awhile."  Hanamaki said. 

Iwaizumi chuckled. "Yeah I was busy with my job, and even though me and your boyfriend is in the same building we rarely see each other." He said looking at Matsukawa. "Yeah, I rarely see him too. he's so busy with his job." Hanamaki said and Matsukawa looked at him with a 'don't start' face. 

Iwaizumi laughed and let them both inside. "Why'd you guys come ?" he asked when they're already sitting at the couch. 

 "Ah yeah,about that, tomorrow will be our 6th year anniversary and we decided to celebrate it at the beach since we rarely have time to bond with each other. Well if it's ok with you and with Sanae-chan." Hanamaki said and smiled at Sanae when she arrived bringing cookies and glasses of juice. 

"Oh, sure it's ok. I have my off tomorrow. " Iwaizumi said with a grin and Sanae looked at him before looking at the couples and gave them a smile. "Well, Hajime-chan wants to go so it's ok." she said. "Excuse me, I need to finish something. " she said getting up. Ugh why'd you have to be here.  I really don't like those two, I bet his  annoying and clingy bestfriend will also be there.  She frowned as she entered their room. 

The three continued to talk about tomorrow's activity. Hour later they went out to go to Oikawa's place. 

"Tomorrow will be fun baby. " Iwaizumi said with a smile while hugging Sanae.

"Yeah, you sound so happy." She said.

"Hmmm, maybe because we will be able to spend time together again." He said.

Oh yeah? or is it because you're going to see your Oikawa. 


Hanamaki and Matsukawa knocked on Oikawa's apartment door for a few times but they didn't get an answer. "Maybe he's out." Matsukawa said. They were about to go when they saw Oikawa together with Kogane walking out from the elevator. 

Matsukawa stared at Oikawa and the guy beside him for a second before saying hello. 

"M-Matsukawa-chan and Hanamaki-chan hi!" Oikawa said and hugged both of them. "Long time no see guys! what are you doing here?" he asked opening the door. "Uhm, right, before we get inside let me introduce to you, Kogane Shion, my friend, he's also a teacher at the university I'm working." Oikawa said and smiled. "Shion-kun, this is Matsukawa Issei and Takahiro Hanamaki. My bestfriends since junior high, also we're at the same volleyball team." He said and when the three of them greeted each other they went inside. 

Kogane prepared the snacks while the three of them talked.

"Looks like you two are close friends." Matsukawa said and looked at Kogane who's stirring the juice.

Oikawa smiled and laughed awkwardly. Did Matsukawa-chan noticed it? I hope he didn't.   "Uhm why are you here guys?" he asked once again, changing the topic.

Kogane joined them , setting the snacks on the center table and sat on the other couch. Matsukawa nad Issei told Oikawa about their anniversary and obviously he said that he's coming. "You can also bring your friend tomorrow." Hanamaki said. "Come with us tomorrow Kogane-kun." he said and smiled at him.

"Oh sure, thanks for the invitation." He said nodding and smiled at Hanamaki. They all continued to talk for an hour before they went home leaving Kogane and Oikawa alone. 



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