Chapter 21

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Iwaizumi arrived at Miyagi , but instead of going home directly he decided to drive around their town, hoping to see Oikawa and at the same time thinking if how he will start the conversation with his parents the moment he arrive at their house. He can still remember his dad's reaction when he told them that he broke off his marriage with Sanae, he was quiet but Iwaizumi knew his dad was mad. Now he will tell them who's the person he loved and he's not sure how will they react.

Whatever. I already made my decision to talk to them and confess everything. I will accept their words and reactions.

When Iwiazumi's already at the front of their door he took a deep breathe before entering.

"Mom, Dad , I'm home." He said putting his things on the side. When he saw his mom he immediately went and hugged her tightly making his mom laugh.

"Son, how are you? how was your trip?"

"I'm okay mom and nothing bad happened during my trip. " He said. "Where's dad?" He asked and looked around. The smile on her mom's face disappeared.

"Ahh he's at the garden. Are you hungry? I made curry. Come eat. "

"Oh okay mom,I'll go and greet dad first. "

He went to their backyard and there he saw his dad sitting on the small bench.

"Dad,I'm home." He greeted.

"Welcome home son." His dad simply answered.

Ahh this is so awkward.

"So uhm, dad I --"

"You want to talk ? I'll go inside after I fix my things." His dad cut him off and then after talking he left him.

Iwaizumi looked down. He's mad at me.

Iwaizumi went back inside,he talked with his mom while eating the curry. After thirty minutes his dad went inside. The three of them sat on the sofa, Iwaizumi is facing them. He took a deep breathe before he started talking.

"I have something really want to say to you mom and dad. The real reason why Sanae and I broke our marriage."

He looked at his parents.

"I know you're probably thinking that I cheated. Something happened between me and that person but it was because I got drunk,we're both drunk at that time,but we didn't have any relationship. But still it's counted as cheating because the moment I remembered it I never told Sanae. I fell out of love for her, and everything was transfered to that person. I tried my best to ignore it,I tried to focus on Sanae but I can't and I'm hurting her. I'm already hurting her,and myself. That is why we decided to broke our marriage. But I did love her..." He looked at them again "mom ,dad you witnessed how I loved Sanae during all those years."

"Who, who was that Peron?" Her mom asked. "Who's that person who took your heart?"

He looked at his dad and then at his mom ,took a deep breathe before answering. Everything will change once I give them my answer. But I have already decided .

"Oikawa Tooru."

He looked at his mom,she's on the verge of crying while his dad looked,disgusted and mad.

"No." His dad said.

"Dad ,I love him." Iwaizumi countered.

"What about having a family? You already had a perfect relationship and you decided to let go of that because you fell in love with your best friend?!" His dad shouted.

He never saw him this mad.

"Our relationship was not perfect dad. It was never perfect and even if we continue our marriage it will still be useless. " he tried to stay calm.

"Did you just realize your feelings for him because you two fucked? You've been together since preschool and you just realized that you loved him now?!"

"Of course not! I admit that I realized it so late but I know that deep inside my heart my feelings for him are real ,I know that I really love him, and it's not because something happened between us!"

"Honey, Son, please don't shout." His mother interrupted.

"And nothing can change my feelings for him,that's also why I came back here because I want to see him and talk to him. For the past six months I realized that I love Oikawa,my feelings for him are real and nothing will change that."

"I don't agree with this. I don't want to see you have a relationship with another guy! " His father said angrily before walking away. Leaving him and his mother alone.

"Son..." Her mother said holding his hand and there Iwaizumi started crying. He is shaking. This is the first time he saw his father like that. And the disgusted look on his face,he will not forget it.

"Mom,I'm sorry if I failed as your son. I'm sorry if I disappointed you." He said between his cries.

"Shhh,son stop crying. I admit I was shocked. Mom was shocked." She said hugging him and gently patting her son's head. "But , we can't control our heart. We can't tell our heart who to love. " she said ,making Iwaizumi look at her. "Son , whoever you love, no matter what gender, Mom will always be here to support you." She gave Iwaizumi a reassuring smile,and hugged him again. "And please don't think that you failed or you disappointed us just because you love someone with the same gender as yours. Always remember that its not wrong to love someone. And you never disappointed us son." She said.

Iwaizumi hugged her tightly as he sobbed on his mother's shoulder. "Thank you mom. Thank you for accepting me."

His mother smiled and gave him a long forehead kiss. "Stop crying okay? You're making mom cry. And crying makes us ugly." She said as she wipes the tears on her son's face. "About your dad, he was just shocked. Don't worry,give him time ,I will talk to him. "

"Yes mom. Thank you." Iwaizumi said with a nod.

She gave him another smile before standing up. He smiled at her and also went to his own room. The moment he closed his door, he fell on the floor and started crying once again.


"Ushijima you don't have to take me to school everyday. I have my own car you know." Oikawa said. Earlier Ushijima called him saying that he will drive him to school, he was about to say no but Ushijima insisted that he wants to drive him so he said yes.

Ushijima unbuckled Oikawa's seatbelt. "It's okay , I'm going to my friend's place and its the same route."
Oikawa nodded and he got out from the car. "Then, I gotta go. Thank you." He smiled.

"You're welcome. Take care." He said waving his hand, Oikawa waved his hand goodbye too before he went inside the school.

I never knew that Ushijima can be sweet too. But can I really love him with all my heart? He thought and a sigh left from his mouth as he remembered Shion. I really hurt him,I hope he's doing okay.

"Good morning Sensei." The students greeted him. "Good morning." He smiled and he entered his classroom and started his class.


Oh my god, I am so sorry for the errors and causing you to be confused. Thank you for pointing it out. I will try my best to double check it before uploading. Thank you!

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