Chapter 36

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Ushijima was walking alone when suddenly a group of girls approached him. They are all bringing a small box. Ushijima stared at them , at first the girls hesitated to talk  but then one girl walked forward and handed Ushijima the box he's holding. 

"Ushijima-kun , I heard that today is your birthday I made something for you , I hope you will accept it." She said. The other 3 girls also handed him the small box they're all holding. 

Ushijima took them all. "Thank you." he said ,gave each of them slight bows before walking away, leaving the four girls giggling. 

When he arrived in front of their club room , he noticed that everyone is already at the gym, so he went inside and quickly changed on his jersey. The moment he stepped inside the gym the light were turned off , the only light left was the candlelight on the cake that Tendou was holding. The entire team sang Happy Birthday to him, Tendou walked closer with a grin on his face. While everyone is singing Ushijima just stood there in the middle, he never expected that they will remember his birthday nor gave him a surprise like this. As far as he can remember this is the first time that he was surprised on his birthday.

 "Happy birthday Wakatoshi-kun! Here make a wish!" Tendou said smiling. 

Ushijima stared at him, before closing his eyes and after a few seconds he blew the candles and everyone clapped their hands. The lights were turned on once again and individually, the team greeted Ushijima. When he finished slicing the cake all of them took a slice and started eating, the practice was cancelled for tonight because of Ushijima's birthday, even though he said that it's okay to have a practice , their coach was the one who cancelled it so he can't argue anymore. 

Ushijima is sitting alone while eating the cake when Tendou sat beside him.

"Why are you here? You should go at the circle, this is your special day you know." 

 "I am not really used to this.." he paused. "Jiro said that this is your idea.... thank you Tendou." He said with a smile. 

Tendou can feel his face blush. "No problem! I'm glad that you liked our simple surprise." he chuckled. "Ah, by the way I was the one who made  this cake, do you like it?."

Ushijima looked at the cake. "You baked this?" 

Tendou nodded. 

"It's delicious, i thought you only brought it at the cake shop."Ushijima ate another piece. "I really liked the flavor.

Tendou gasped. "I'm glad that you liked it! it took me almost 3 hours making that chocolate cake, and my mom scolded me because I made a mess in our kitchen." he said and laughed. 

"But! instead of just saying thank you, you should bake a cake for me next time." 

"Okay. I will bake a cake for you."

Tendou grinned. "Is that a promise?"

Ushijima nodded. 

"Then, I'll wait for the cake!" Tendou grinned.

Ushijima slowly opened his eyes , he blinked to adjust from the lights inside his room. Thinking about the dream that he just had made him smile, the birthday he had during college when Tendou baked a cake for him was one of the best birthday that he had in his entire life, and that's why he also started learning to bake , because of his promise to Tendou. When the day came that he let Tendou taste the first cake that he baked, Tendou looked so satisfied that it made him really happy. When his dad asked him to manage the cake shop business that he put up, he did not hesitate and immediately said yes.  

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