Chapter 3

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Dedicated to @RuRuTakegawa

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Athena's POV

Tyler and I have been busy for the past month, both attending seminars at different places. I only saw him twice this month and have a once a week phone call. That's why I miss him so much. Damn girl! You're really in love. Am I?

At the moment, I am here in Palawan, Philippines for a two weeks convention while Tyler is in Honolulu, Hawaii again attending a month seminar, he flew there immediately after the charity event that we attended and I didn't even see him the next morning. I think his seminar there is too long and very often since it was his third seminar there for the past four months, but I didn't say anything about it. Supposedly, I'll be done here after four days from now but it was shortened so I'll be flying back tonight, while he said he will be done there by tomorrow and will be home the day after tomorrow.

I still have three hours before my flight so I used it in wandering around the place and buying souvenirs first before heading to the airport.

"Tyler?" I asked with confusion upon entering the house with my luggage on my right hand. Tyler is in the living room sitting on the sofa with a child on his lap and an unfamiliar woman beside him. He looked at me shocked. He handed the boy to the woman then stood.

"I thought you're coming back a few days from now? Why are you here?" He asked with a hint of irritation. Why is he irritated that I'm here earlier? And he's not suppose to be here as well! Who are they?

"It was shortened. I can ask you the same." I asked while looking curiously to the woman and child. I heard Tyler clear his throat so I loooked at him. He exhaled.

"Athena... this is Lora.... and our son Jaylo." I let go of my luggage. It has wheels so it stood on its own. I think I have jet lag nd didn't hear him right.

"What?" I asked lowly, almost like a whisper. In an instant, Tyler was at my side.

"Let's talk about it on my office, Lora, stay here." He commanded then dragged me to the said room. We entered and I sat on the sofa immediately because my knees got weak upon the information that I learned, but my facial expression shows blank emotion and my eyes trained to the floor. He has a son? Who was like two years old. We were only married for less than year. "Athena." He stood in front of me.

"What?" I asked not taking my eyes away from the floor.

"Look at me." He commanded and I did. His face also show no emotion. "Jaylo is my son, so they are living here." He said as if it's not a big deal.

"They?" I want to confirm.

"Yes, Lora and Jaylo." He said nonchalantly. I exhaled.

"So I'm out." I said not meeting his eyes.

"No." He said then sat beside me. I looked at him blankly.

"We will all live in one roof?"  I clarified. He nodded. "Are you serious?" I laughed with no humor.

"Of course, I don't see a problem in it. Look Athena, I don't need your permission about this, I'm just informing you." Ouch! I stood and looked down at him.

"Oh, is that so?" I raised my brows at him. "Well let me inform you too that I'm leaving this house as soon as possible." I turned to leave but wasn't able to take a step away because he roughly pulled me back to him through my arm. We are now standing front to front.

"You are not fucking leaving!" He hissed in my face. I pulled my arm from him but then he pulled me to him by my waist.

"Let me go." I said calmly. Of course he didn't. I pushed his chest with my both hands but he only tightened his grip on me. I closed my eyes and exhaled. "We only got married for convenience but you didn't tell me that you have a son!" I snapped at him.

"Because I didn't know! I just knew about it more than two months after our marriage!" His voice raised a little.

"You knew about it that long and you didn't tell me? Wow!" I exhaled, still trying to push him but failed. "You know what? I don't care if you tell me or not. It doesn't matter anymore. What matter now is my life, so we must apply for divorce already so I can have my freedom again and you can also marry her and have a happy family." I'm still pushing him but he only pulled me tighter!

"Stop it! WE.ARE.NOT.GETTING. A.DIVORCE! Remember, I have a hold on you, unless you want to pleasure millions of men with it. So just do what I said and treat them nicely." He threatened. My eyes widened.

"I can't believe you! For fuck's sake Tyler! It's for your son's good! Think about him! It's not good for him to be brought up with two women beside his dad! Stop being selfish!" I shouted.

"Stop it!" He let me go. "Go ahead! Leave! You know the consequences!" Then he left me in his office. How am I supposed to leave? Why can't he just let me go peacefully?

I exited his office and went to our room. A tear fell from my eye as soon as I closed the door. It hurts, so badly. I started sobbing so I entered the bathroom and decided to have a shower to quiet my cries and hopefully calm my nerves. I remembered the way the woman looked at Tyler and I knew that she's in love with him. Like you, Athena. I exhaled.

What should I do? If I leave, Tyler will embarrass me to the whole world, if not, then I have to endure the presence of another woman, who is in love with my husband. How can I treat her nicely? When all I wanna do is kick her out of this house to make sure she won't get Tyler from me? But I know it's wrong, I know I should let him go for his son's future. Plus it's only one sided love Athena because he doesn't love you, he's only using your body, surely, he will leave you when he had enough
I don't know what to do....😢

December 8, 2017- 8:56pm

Oh my!!!!

What will she do?

Sorry for the late update. I'm really busy this past month that I nearly don't have time to rest, so I can't write. But I've been sick for three days, so I find time in writing it yesterday. But today I resume my tutor and I have 8am to 9pm sched for today.

Actually, I'll be busy for a long time, even December vacation until Graduation on March. So lesser time to write. But you know what motivates a writer 😜

Hope you'll support this too like the Irresistible Hunk. 😘

Thank you!!!
Love yah all!!!

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