F o u r

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Lance watched the door open and heard Nyma yell as they grabbed her and took her away as Lance gasped when he was grabbed as well with Chloe, who screamed.

"Hey don't touch her!" Lance screamed seeing his sister terrified as they where dragged away with chains on their wrists.

Lance was forced on a small wooden box with Nyma on his right and Chloe on his left. Down further next to Nyma was more prisoners of all sorts of alien species, he even saw a couple humans who where shaking in fear down the line. There where male and female prisoner aliens, some where small and some where Giants.

"Lance, I'm scared," Chloe whimpered looking at her brother and he frowned a little sadly.

"I know Chloe, just stay quiet for a while, I'm right here," Lance whispered but was hit in the back of the head by a soldier.

"You will be silent as your bargained," the soldier snarled at him and Lance looked at him with wide eyes. Bargain?

Lance watched as aliens who seemed wealthier or higher ranked walk in, that 'galra' species Nyma told him about.

"80 thousand GAC," a prisoner was yanked forward with a stumble as he gasped in fear looking up.

"Ha, it's not worth more than 50 GAC," a galra laughed loudly making Lance flinch a little and watched the aliens stroll down the line of prisoners, getting closer to him and his sister.

"What about you little one?" Lance turned seeing a galra in front of his sister as she had a scowl on her face.

"Any weak points?" He smiled cruelly and Chloe looked at Lance with wide blue eyes. She started coughing viciously turning to the side to cough more.

"She's been terribly ill," Lance spoke up as Chloe stopped coughing. He knew she wasn't really, it was the same cough he did to get out of school.

"Why hasn't she been taken care of yet? Slaves should be in well condition," a new voice came through and everyone put their right fist over the left part of their chest bowing their head down.

"Commander?" It was yet another galra. He was tall and purple yet he was different than the others. He had long white hair down his back as it was smooth and silky. His armor made him seems broader and a sword on his hip showed he was capable of a fight at any moment one is indicated.

"We've been low on slaves so I grabbed prisoners from recent captivity, these are earthlings sire," the commander explained almost nervous.

"Commander I almost feel ripped off, as well as these wealthy successors," the galra raised a white eye brow at him and the commander paled.

"But I am merciful, I need new servants and mine are currently lacking," he glanced back seeing Lance standing close to the little girl.

"And well these two would fit for the job,"

"Yes prince Lotor," the galra commander knelt to the ground and Lance grunted when a soldier grabbed his chains and threw Lance to the galra's feet with Chloe stumbling next to him.

"Ha kiss his boots slave," the soldier bellowed and Lance clenched his fists staring at the ground.

"I said kiss your princes boots slave," Lance cried out when his hair was grabbed and he tried grabbing at the galra hand but the prince took a step back.

"No need for that, enough," the prince glared at the shoulder as he yanked Lance up by his hair still.

"I said enough," he barked and Lance felt his hair released and looked at Chloe who watched in horror.

"What is your names?" He took a step toward Lance. The human flinched away at the alien still frightened of the new species he faces every day. Only it was days ago he thought aliens didn't exist.

"What's yours?" Lance built up courage to scowl at what he knew was the prince. A hand came down and slapped Lance across the face and he held his cheek in pain.

"I said enough! Are you deaf?" The prince snarled at the soldier who hit Lance.

"He should not disrespect you sir," the soldier defended.

"But here you are doing what you say your defending, get out of my damn sight," he snarled at the soldier who's eyes widen in fear as he backed away.

"I apologize for my soldiers behavior, but I am prince Lotor," the princes voice was now soft and Lance didn't look at him.

"I'm Chloe!" The child pipped up and Lotor raised an eye brow at her.

"Your a mere child," Lotor stated and she nodded confused.

"I apologize for how a child is aboard my ship as a prisoner," he glared behind him at other galra who backed away seeing the prince frustrated.

Lotor sighed irritated and grabbed the two humans chains to their shackles and led them away as the bargain for other prisoners to become slaves. He didn't yank them to go faster but took his time as Chloe walked with him no longer afraid.

Lance looked back over his shoulder with a frown only to make eye contact with a soldier who stayed farthest away from the slaves but watched Lance as well.

Then they turned a corner.

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