T h i r t y

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"We could round up the medics in the town," Gena offered as Lotor walked into the kitchen the next morning as Kalzu spit out his drink and coughed rapidly.

"You told Gena?" Lotor glared at the brother figure.

"She basically tortured it out of me!" Kal's ears flattened with wide eyes.

"Gena, don't, even the procedure could be deadly," Lotor glared sitting down taking kalzu's drink.

"Lotor you can't give up, not after everything you've worked for," Gena touched his shoulder gently.

"Maybe I'm tired of always fighting for something good to happen!" Lotor snapped standing up as the chair fell on the ground.

"Maybe finally I can't work for something, I accepted it Gena, you better too," Lotor snarled at her as kal stood up with a snarling growl.

"Hey... Everything okay?" Lance walked in awkwardly.

"Don't act rabid on me Kalzu," Lotor growled at him turning away from Lance.

"Don't threaten my wife," kal pushed him back as Gena snapped at them both grabbing kalzu's wrist.

"He didn't threaten me! Both of you stop!" She yelled at them pushing kal back and kept Lotor away.

"Just because your giving up doesn't mean we are! Your a coward!" Kal snarled at him making Lotor glare as step forward but Gena pushed him back.

"I'm a coward?! I-" Lotor was sharply cut off by harsh coughing as he turned away covering his mouth while he coughed harder as he leaned on a knee.

"Both of you will you give it a rest! Lotor deep breaths," Gena knelt next to him as Lotor inhaled deeply but coughed harder.

"Quiznex," he saw petals in his hand and Gena gasped softly. He sighed and put the petals in his pocket so Lance couldnt see.

"What happened?" Lance asked worriedly.

"Nothing," Lotor cleared his throat.

"Are you sick?" He asked looking at lotor.

"Common cold just caught me, being back in the wilderness, should pass by," Lotor glanced at kal as he had guilt on his face.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said that," kal whispered.

"I know, your scared," Lotor nodded.

"They're brothers, it's what they do," Gena shrugged.

"And the kids didn't wake up to that?" Lance looked back.

"Valina is use to loud noises, the three Devils are out playing," she smirked.

"It's like early early," Lance looked at her wide eyes.

"They don't sleep, ever," she said stressfully. "Ever,"

"Don't have kids until you want to literally just be making sure someone does die 24/7," she ran a hand through her hair smiling.

"Yea I know, my siblings where like that, especially with Chloe now," Lance chuckled but his smile fell thinking of his sister.

"We can head back to the ship today," Lotor nodded noticing lances faulted smile.

"Thank you, for everything really," Lance smiled at him gratefully as Lotor blushed softly and began coughing in his hand again. He immediately stood and walked away.

"So Lance what are your thoughts on Lotor?" Gena asked immediately as Lotor was gone by was nudged by kal but she waved him off.

"Depends on the day," Lance snorted.

"Well what's the worst?" She rolled her eyes.

"Day I got this shit," he motioned to his ear piercing.

"Aw it's cute," she cooed.

"It's from a tagging, not just a piercing," Lance said flatly.

"Well what else? It's better now," she waved it off.

"This," he revealed his wrist and they both paled.

"A slave marking?" Kal whispered.

"My little sister has had the same things, trust me on this, I will choose my baby sister over anything and anyone any day," Lance said seriously.

"I understand, I'd do the same for Acxa," Gena nodded.

"And I would do the same for Lotor," kal narrowed his eyes. "If anything happens to Lotor, I have lost everything that has built my family, my home, my freedom,"

"He's a grown man, he can take care of himself," Gena touched his hand gently.

"He's stubborn, Lance just make sure he's okay, be there for him, he seems to trust you," kal smiled at Lance softly.

"What do you mean?" Lance asked worriedly.

"Just get to know him and give him a chance, trust me he has a hard outside but he's not so tough when you know him," he smirked as Lance looked at him unamused.

"Wha- I-I don't like Lotor like that if that's what you think!" Lance sputtered turning red but Gena smirked at kal as he chuckled.

"That not what we thought at all," Gena said sarcastically.

"I think you should pack up though, I hope I get to see you again Lance, it was fun torturing you, and give Acxa a kiss for me," Gena stood up and hugged Lance good bye.

"Uh huh sure okay," Lance hugged her back as they kissed each other's cheeks smiling.

"Now get out of my house, I have to round up the Devils," kal walked him out laughing softly.

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