T w e n t y - s e v e n

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Lance and Lotor walked down the dirt road as a calm village was in sight and lances breath stopped seeing they where aliens but not just any aliens. Galra hybrids.

"Lotor are those..." Lance looked up as it stopped raining but the ground was still wet and Lotor nodded smirking.

"This was the first rescue camp, we moved it when I found more hybrids in my years," Lotor told him and Lance smiled a little seeing how relaxed Lotor was. This was his home.

"Lotor!" They heard a scream and saw Lotor tackled to the ground into the mud as different types of species run over in panic as Lance watched the two large aliens battle on the ground as Lotor was on the bottom.

They snarled in another language as they're hands collided while a large galra was pushing down while Lotor was pushing up with his hands turning into claws and shoved the other man off as Lotor got back to his feet.

"You fight the same kalzu," Lotor smirked running a hand through his hair as people laughed at the other male who was around same height as Lotor but was much more muscular, he had his black hair braided down his back with blue and yellow as the pupils. His skin was purple with splotches of a lighter purple as he had shark like teeth.

"Thought you where off playing King," they grabbed each other's hand and pulled another close for a hug patting each other's backs.

"Who's the small fry over there?" Kalzu asked looking at Lance who was freaked out a little.

"My friend Lance, just getting some fresh air for a few quintants," Lotor smiled as a girl jumped on Lotors back making him fall again with a yelp.

"Zuta Lotor!" It was little girl as two boys who looked the same ran over jumping onto him.

"Kal. Get your children off." Lotor looked up at the galra before as the children giggled.

"Tor don't be grumpy," kal snorted as Lotor got up but the children hung on giggling.

"Don't be a stranger Tor, introduce Lance to everyone," Kalzu smirked deviously.

"Lance this is Kalzu, we grew up together, and these are jax, irua, and Cato," Lotor pointed each child as the girl climbed to his shoulders and one of the boys sat on the other one.

"They're monsters, and sadly my niece and nephews," he put a hand on his hip as Lance giggled at them. 

"Come on, it's going to start raining again, Cato just got over being sick," Kalzu took his children back.

"How's gena?" Lotor asked as he held Cato on his back and Lance felt irua reach for him from kalzu's arms. She got to Lance and he snorted at the small girl as she was in awe of him.

"I like your ears," she giggled at him and Lance laughed a little.

"Me too," he smirked.

Lance remembered how frightened Lotor was when he came back to his room that one time, he was almost going to go into shock, he was going to loose these people, his own family he made without anyone by blood. These where his people not the empire, his home he found, Lotor was these peoples hero, it's like a giant family.

There where smiles of all as they walked to the village and saw stone huts that where well made and strong. Lotor smiled brightly seeing his friends again as Lance was followed but curious children who giggled at how cool he looked. Must've never seen a human before.

"Look who it is, long time no see bitch," a woman walked up with a infant in a scarf holding it to the woman close to her chest and stomach. The woman was beautiful as she had natural silver hair with dark purple skin and eyes almost like Lotors but different with splotches of pink in the blue.

"Another kit gena?" Lotor chuckled bringing her to a kind hug and looked down at the infant sleeping.

"I was wondering when you'd notice, this is hopefully the last, valina," she took out the baby and handed her to Lotor as the infant woke up having the same eyes as her mother and same hair as her father with light skin.

"Your in big trouble, your sisters going to be a nightmare more than your brothers," Lotor mumbled to the baby as Lance snorted.

"I better be a nightmare!" Irua punched the air smiling and Lance laughed at her.

"You must be Lance, nice meeting you finally," gena walked to him and kissed his cheek greeting him.

"Where gena was born that's how they say hello," Lotor chuckled at lances face holding the baby against his chest as she slept soundlessly with the ruckus.

"Hi, don't worry, my uncle married a French woman, she did the same," Lance smiled at her and kissed a cheek back making gena snicker.

"He's going to fit in great," she smirked evilly at Lotor who paled.

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