F o u r t y - t h r e e

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Lotor immediately went up in a pod to start it up and fix the settings using the speed more than weapons, enough to get out of here for two. He glanced down at Lance and Keith who stood watch knowing zarkon was near.

Lotor knew his options, he could grab Lance and go, but what good would that do? Lance was interested in Keith, nothing Lotor could do except accept the harsh fact. He could go on his own, could go home back to his family, let them try saving him from this cursing, invisible, deadly disease.

He let out a soft sigh, exhaling a small breath and got out of the pod opening his eyes slowly.

"In, you need to go, follow the transfer ship," Lotor told them but Lance caught him.

"Us? You mean all of us," Lance told him sternly.

"Yes yes, that's what I meant," Lotor lied looking at him calmly with a smirk.

"Good, we started this, let's go," Lance nodded approving as he took Keiths hand and walked in quickly but they saw zarkon crash through the door as Lotor held his sword tightly.

"Lotor in!" Lance yelled as keith took the controls.

Lotor felt his hand being yanked but pulled Lance back and close as he looked down at the slave.

"I apologize my temple, let him cherish you when I cannot," Lotor whispered looking into his eyes and lances eyes widen.

"I am just a star in this universe, save the universe so stars can be remembered," he gulped and lowered his head slowly.

"I will always love you," he whispered closing his eyes and pressed his lips against lances. Lance whimpered a small cry into his lips but kissed back holding Lotors hands tightly.

"Please," Lance sobbed quietly pulling away. "Don't say good bye, come with,"

"If I can," Lotor nodded but with no hesitation he lifted his sword to block his fathers strike and pushed Lance to the pod as Keith caught him who pursed his lips watching the whole thing before.

"Tell miss Chloe, 'forget me nots are blue'?, she'll know what to do," Lotor looked back and ducked zarkon as he sliced his fathers leg only to be punched through a control panel and into a wall.

"We have to help!" Lance yelled but Keith grabbed his arm as he watched the two battle when Lotor was able to get back up.

"You can't stop me from helping, I-" "aim at those tanks on his back," Keith told him pointing as Lance gripped the gun.

"We're not going in guns blazing, Lotor is distracting him, he knows he can't defeat zarkon," Keith explained but suddenly alarms starter to go off and they all looked back seeing the ship starting to fall.

"The controls!" Lance pointed as Lotor twirled his sword looking at zarkon only, not even him. It made so much sense now... Lotor loved him.. That's why he was so protective, why he let him know of personal things for Lance to trust him when Lotor trusted him with his own life. He's the reason Lotor was dying...

He closed his eyes as tears where in his eyes again, lotor loved him, but he had feelings for Keith already, if they live through this what happens then? Would he have to choose. Who would he choose?

"Lance, back up!" Keith shouted as Lance snapped back into reality seeing Keith standing over Lotor with his sword up high blocking zarkon with his teeth grinding together in a growl escaping. Lance saw Lotor on the ground as his sword was by his finger tips and blood was leaking off the sword and around Lotor himself.

Lance growled as he began to fire at zarkon, the first blast hit a tank as pink liquid fell everywhere but the hand smacked Keith into a wall again but zarkon glared back at Lance who shot at him again.

"Hmm, a slave, your just like your father I heard," zarkon walked toward him slowly as Lance saw Lotors head turn to him as blood was dripping from his mouth. He had hurt in his eyes watching helplessly.

"You don't know me," Lance spat holding the gun firing again.

"I know your people, earthlings, fight but easily crumble," his hand reached grabbing Lance and squeezed while Lance shot his foot in the other hand closing his eyes tightly feeling the metal scrap his arm.

"Like a rodent," he dragged his claws up lances arm and punched his chest as Lance slammed into the wall.

"No!" Lotor reached as Lance laid against the wall with wide eyes in fear and blood trickling down the corner of his lips.

"How does it feel? To kill someone that loves you without even touching them," zarkon grabbed his neck pushing Lance against the wall harshly.

Lance breathed quickly as he gasped for air with fear in his eyes looking into those pure evil eyes that glowed.

A sword went through his chest and yanked out twisting to the side as Lance watched zarkon being thrown off him as blood ran down his armor. Lotor stood there holding his side in pain looking at Lance with blood covering almost his whole face and held out his hand for him.

"L-l-Lotor," lances breath hitched as he weakly grabbed his hand and was pulled back to his feet.

The ship rattled and Lance felt Lotor wrap an arm around him protectively walking to Keith who was unconscious.

"We're going to make it," Lance smiled up at him as he supported Lotor who started to limp again when adrenaline left them. Lotor closed his eyes as he helped Lance pick up Keith putting him around both of their shoulders seeing his shoulder in an odd shape. Lance held Keiths head in his lap as he sat on the floor and Lotor put in setting on the controls as well as the coordinates like the transfer ship. Changing it to auto pilot.

"It's not over," Lotor whispered to himself narrowing his eyes looking up as zarkon was back up not bothering with his wound.

"Lotor hurry!" Lance gasped.

"I'm so sorry," he looked back at Lance. He saw tears running down Lotors face but his facials where stern with determination. The ship was about to take off with a few feet off the ground but Zarkon grabbed the ship pulling it back as his body was shaking in rage.

Lotor let out a heavy cough as flower petals fell from his mouth. Lotor wanted to glare at it but instead he memorized the flower petal one last time, as it was made by a beautiful being who he didn't regret in any way shape or form.

He grabbed his sword taking a deep breath as he heard Lance shuffling to get up but leaped from the pod just as he felt lances fingers brush his arm but jumped onto Zarkons shoulders impaling the blade into zarkons shoulder.

"Lotor!" Lance screamed but the pod was to high and was about to blast off.

Lotor looked up at him and nodded smirking as lances face was petrified with tears racing down his face.

Lance gripped his hair as he wheezed for a panicked breath while he slid to the ground feeling the pod moving quickly into the empty space watching the ship falling to a planet below them. Soon... It crashed.

"No! Lotor! No!" Lance screamed as he placed his hand on the window. He sobbed loudly covering his mouth closing his eyes tightly as he cried harder glancing at Keiths unmoving body.

He looked up hearing a soft sound of something beeping and saw a communication alert. He answered.

"Keith was the- your not Keith," a woman looked at Lance through the screen and Lance sniffled looking down at her while his eyes where red and puffy.

"I'm Lance McClain, your Allura right?" He croaked.

"Yes, where is Keith? Is he alright?" Allura began to panic.

"He's hurt but alive," Lance went to rub his nose but hissed in pain seeing the blood leaking down his arms.

"I found the transfer ship and located your pod, we'll be there soon," Allura nodded gently with soft blue eyes as the call ended.

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