F o u r t y - f o u r

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Lance felt someone shaking him gently as something wet dripped on his cheek from above.

"-nce, please no Lance, please wake up," Keith?

He woke up but hissed in pain pulling his arms to his chest whimpering but looked up seeing Keith sobbing softly with his hand on his shoulder.

"K-Keith?" Lance whispered as his throat felt scratchy.

"Lance oh god, your okay," Keith wrapped his arms around lances chest when he sat up more.

"I th-thought you bled out, I just woke up and your just on the ground," Keith buried his face in his chest as Lance embraced him tightly.

"He's gone Keith, the ship crashed," Lance gripped his shirt more as he bites his nose in Keiths hair choking on a sob.

"We have to go back, he might be alive," lances voice shook and Keith nodded in hope to find Lotor as well.


Lance raced out of the pod looking at the crashed ship as it was crispy rubble with no survivors to be seen.

"Lotor!" Lance screamed at the top of his lungs as Keith paled at the damage.

Keith scooter to Lance worried as his hands shook hearing the crunch under him. He looked down seeing some bones of the soldiers and turned away. This could've been him, these where part of his race. Lance gripped his hand tightly looking around frantically.

"Lotor! Lotor where are you?!" Lance screamed with tears running down his face again.

They spent hours looking through the horrific damage as ashes made the sky grey around them as the wind was mixed with the ashes of the broken.

Lance jumped at the sound of something moving but not breaking under his foot and looked down seeing something silver. He let go of Keiths hand immediately and went to his knees as he began to dig through the rubble and froze when he found it.

Lotors sword.

He covered his mouth falling to his knees and hands as his shoulders shook sobbing into his hand. Lance rubbed his nose feeling Keiths confused gaze and turner to him showing the blade of the prince. Keith covered his moth in horror and bowed his head down in grief.

"He has to be close, he has to be, Keith he has to be," Lance began to dig again as metals cut against his palms and arms again, beginning to bleed again but Lance ignored the pain in his arms but realized it when Keith wrapped his arms around him from behind pulling Lance back a little. It was no use.

Lance clenched his teeth tightly as he held the sword close to his chest sobbing silently as Keiths arms around him tightening as he wrapped his arm up to his shoulder feeling lances body letting shaking sobs escape.

"I'm so sorry Lance," Keith whispered leaning his head against lances back hearing his heart.

Lance spun to him hugging his tightly sobbing heavier and louder holding the sword still in one hand.

They just sat there dirty in the rubble as only the sound of lances cries was all that was heard in the empty air. It was over.


Lance sat on a table with no emotions in his blue eyes as he met a strange man with bright orange hair and mustache, introduced as coran. He wrapped white gauze around lances fore arms and around his neck with a large bandage on his cheek. He wouldn't let them put him in some healing pod, he didn't want to go to sleep.

Keith sat with him as he held lances free hand tightly watching the boy sadly as his team ran in the room.

"Keith your okay," a large man hugged him tightly but Keith didn't feel anything, not safe, not okay, no enthusiasm as he kept his eyes on Lance.

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